Őrület Condition in Evera | World Anvil


  1. Catatonia: Abnormal, repetitive movement oractivity; or, catalepsy, complete lack of movement.
2. Delusion: Idiosyncratic beliefs or impressions thatcontradict accepted reality.
3. Dipsomania: Alcoholism in which the victim isprone to drinking until passing out.
4. Hallucination: Experiencing the perception ofthings that are not actually present.
5. Hebephrenia: Disordered thoughts and emotions; hallucinatory perceptions and bizarre behaviour.
6. Homicidal Mania: Pathological and uncontrollable obsession with killing and murder.
7. Kleptomania: Recurrent urge to steal for the sake of stealing, not for want or need.
8. Lunacy: Eccentric, foolish, violent, or irrational behaviour, manifesting oftest at the full moon.
9. Mania: Periods of great excitement, euphoria, delusion, and hyperactivity.
10. Manic Depression: Wild, alternating periods of elation followed by melancholy and despair.
11. Megalomania: Obsession with power and domination; delusion about one’s importance.
12. Melancholia: Deep and persistent sadness and gloom, marked by hopelessness and unfounded fears.
13. Monomania: Obsessive enthusiasm or preoccupation with one thing or purpose.
14. Paranoia: Delusions of persecution; unwarranted suspicion and mistrust of others.
15. Pathological Gambling: Recurrent compulsion to wager at the highest possible stakes.
16. Pathological Lying: Recurrent compulsion to deceive about even the most mundane matters.
17. Sadomasochism: Deriving unhealthy pleasure from the pain of oneself and/or others.
18. Schizoidism: Emotional aloofness, detachment, and solitary behaviour.
19. Schizophrenia: Withdrawal from reality and into delusion, marked by mental fragmentation.
20. Suicidal Mania: Deep depression and unhappiness culminating in self-destruction.

Cover image: by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)


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