The Praecipitem {Isonoris Warship} Vehicle in Eventide | World Anvil
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The Praecipitem {Isonoris Warship}

The most famous ship in Eventide is the Praecipitem, known by many other names. This ship was built by the Isonori between the years of 944 and 955, (during a peace with the Synenorians) taking roughly twelve whole years to complete. They made a deal with the Synenorian leaders to use their abundant wood to construct it, and in return, the Isonori vowed to never use the ship in the civil wars, and were granted large sums of money for the wood. Synenorian wood in particular is valuable due to its inflammability, requiring specific veins of wood that crept through from the Feywild. Part of their deal states that it is to be used in defence of Tharon Tald'oara, more specifically Isonoris and Synenor, from any invaders or oncoming threats from abroad. Alternatively, if another part of the continent such as Cyvelonia was to attack, it could also be used in defence of this faction (Cyvelonia used as an example, not a direct enemy). Isonoris picks the target, and Synenor signs off on its use or disuse depending on the scenario.   The Praecipitem itself was a large, custom built third class naval ship with 74 guns along its hull. Other ships of this size and larger exist, though this isn't its draw. Like all things in Isonoris, this ship was leagues farther in scientific mastery than seen anywhere else in the world. It has an Orlentrine core built into the centre, powering massive turbines that allowed the ship higher velocity travel, and allowed it to move without relying on wind. Though that isn't all: if the ship's masts are pushed along slits in the deck by use of automated systems, and the core is raised to high enough temperatures, the entire vessel could gain upwards force. The core produces staggering heat and energy that rises skyward, becoming trapped in the shifted sails, allowing the entire ship to levitate into the air. Propulsion from the turbines is still active and producing power, even more so, due to the Orlentrine's raised energy production and temperature.   Departing for the first time in 955 after testing and full calibration, the ship was sailed to the Southwest of Vayloth's Maw to conduct weapons experiments. Small cities were built along the coast and slightly inland a few months prior for just this purpose. Praecipitem's captain, Balfarren Dulle, pulled the ship into the sky, and destroyed each and every nearby construction with relentless accuracy. It glode through the the air with precision and strength, grace and firepower. This test was undergone multiple times, rebuilding the cities with stronger walls, testing the ship's weaponries against other naval vessels, etc. until it was deemed fit for true military use.   Testing, training, and further calibration was continued for months. Each time, the Praecipitem was followed by a small fleet of five other vessels: three frigates, and two brigantines. These ships were placed to safeguard the vessel while it made flying preparations and final checks before use of its core. It was the year 957 when the vessel was finalizing its tuning, on one of its final run-throughs. The fog was thick that day--much more so than usual. The small fleet made it to the edge of Vayloth's Maw, deciding to go through the procedures as normal, regardless of the strange weather. The ship gradually made its way into the air, the fog seeming to only further condense. Shouting began to emerge from the ship's deck, screaming down to the fleet below. However, due to their altitude, none of their pleas could be made out. A massive tear formed in one of the sails as a flaming ballista bolt came spiralling through, falling and lighting one of the frigates ablaze. The Praecipitem's sails caught fire, losing its upward lift, falling gradually faster into the water. The fog cleared unexpectedly, revealing three brigantines of unknown origin, which had sat just behind the wall. Two of the ships quickly placed their crews upon the Isonoris brigantines, then maneuvered to fire upon the frigates. The final unidentified brigantine found its way behind the Praecipitem, having lost masses of fuel into the empty skies, therefore unmovable when combined with its destroyed sails. The brig's crew boarded, killing all the crew but three. These three watched on as the rest of the fleet was crushed by these factionless brigantines, then were placed upon a lifeboat and sent adrift back towards Isonoris. Then came two bullets in rapid succession, landing in the skulls of two of the survivors, leaving just one survivor who drew the story into the public eye; Captain Balfarren Dulle.   As previously mentioned, the ship has gained many names. These include the following; Orlen's Third Rate, the Fist of Orlen, the Orlentrine Reaper, Isonoris' Ire, Isonoris' Wrath, and many combinations of these. Now that it has been lost, it has been known as the Recompense, the Lost Jewel, and the Reckless.

Power Generation

This ship's power is gained from an Orlentrine core that is heavily fortified within its centre. This core burns like a more efficient coal, providing enough energy to lift the ship into the air and transport its supplies and crew around the world.    Unfortunately, this Orlentrine is extremely expensive to maintain, and therefore the ship is seldom flown unless in times of dire need.
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