Fedheran Ethnicity in Eveller | World Anvil
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The name Fedhera comes from the Puritan city ruled by the Descendants of Mytheran. Her lands were bordered by Balavian's descendants of Anilivia to the east and Sonoderi's Vijk to the west. All three independent territories cover the area that is today called Fedhera so it is reasonable to assume that the tribes of these three families are the origins of the Fedheran people.  
This was Fedhera; the capital province of the Union and self-proclaimed centre of the civilised world. This was where all the scholars who had authored every book he had ever read had lived and died. The place where great heroes, such as Sokas the Spearman and Padandam Stonefist, had been born. Their deeds seemed suddenly very possible, mundane even when compared to the vastness of their homeland.

Physical Appearance

Due to the wide spread of Fedherans throughout the Union they can be difficult to identify from appearance alone. When compared to Rhyddans and Fidherns they often have paler skin with a more yellowed tint, often called a "golden" complexion. Hair and eye colours can range from tawny to jet. Structurally, their features are generally narrow, sinewy and angular.

Naming Traditions

Family names

The Houses of Nobility keep the name of their earliest recorded member. In the Houses of Descendants, the families are all originating from the Great Eith and therefore the families were divided into the five signatories of the Purge Covenant: Mytheran, Sonoderi, Falithi, Balavian and Flotorik.   Commoners more often inherit the name of their family's profession or place of origin (even within a city).


Major language groups and dialects

The common language used in the Fedheran Union has, of course, been named Fedheran, but this comes in dialects of Fidhern and Rhyddan (whose influence from Zyrian has given them particular pronunciation and cadence). The Fidhern dialect is widespread among commoners whether or not they actually have any family connection to the region.

Shared customary codes and values

Fedherans care a lot about distinguishing themselves from their neighbours as being more learned and civilized. Status has less to do with wealth than it does with civility, technology and cleanliness though wealth does play its part in it.   The display of hands (palms up) is an important gesture of subversiveness used by all social ranks. The state of ones hands reveals ones status. Hygiene and cleanliness is a sign of civilisation. The fingernails are also among the first places to show Source Corruption.

Common Etiquette rules

Fedherans are sticklers for titles and rank, especially among nobility and scholars, but also in specialist professions.   Clean and visible hands are a big part of etiquette in Fedhera. Hands should always be visible when addressing another and may indicate that you wish to speak.   Speaking without permission to a noble may have you beaten but even in common conversation it is considered rude to speak while another is speaking.   It is very rude to bow to or thank someone who is of lesser rank. The Descendants rarely look at their servants out of politeness and their servants will never ask to assist a Descendant in any way. A true noble will say when assistance is wanted and their command is expected.

Common Dress code

Gloved or concealed hands are the hands of unsavoury people such as rogues, thugs and mercenaries.   A belt is already a good sign of wealth and civility but is still utilitarian. The sash is superior as it suggests the wearer has next to nothing to carry. The robe is superior to the tunic. Both are typically high in the neck. Sleeves commonly end above the wrist or can be tied around the wrist to leave the hands visible.   The Descendants have a more saturated wardrobe than Lesser Nobility and commoners. The Sonoderi red robes, which are reserved only for those with Source abilities, are a deep red to set them apart from the Mytheran indigo blue. The servants of the Descendants are easily recognised by their blue and grey or black livery.  

Sonoderi Sorcerer's Red Robe

by michaelason

Art & Architecture

The Bledavian architecture of the The Palace Of Heaven is lauded to be the greatest in technology and beauty. In cities, older buildings typically have (or had) large, detailed murals of everyday scenes such as a sprawling market near a market square, gambolling animals or intimate family scenes. Such scenes can now be found on tapestries and paintings in a smaller scale with fewer or less saturated colours.   In Fedhera dance is not something most people will do. Dancers are raised and conditioned to perform with perfection. Performances are often done solo in white or pale yellow costumes. Next in status to dancers are singers and musicians. Acting and jesting are for commoners and storytelling is for children.

Common Taboos

The use of Source is prohibited by any who cannot provide a record of lineage connected to the Pure Descendants. In recent history, rogue sorcerers were executed for the slightest use, no matter how innocent or harmless. In contrast, the taking of human life is taken very seriously and punished by execution.


Beauty Ideals

Cleanliness is next to nothing. Stemming perhaps from the Fedheran love of Bledavian architecture: clean, pale and unadorned is beautiful. Transparent, thin materials. Plainly cut, rounded or square gems. Seamlessly smooth, straight and level (anything). Mathematical precision. Patterns should be barely noticeable. Only the Descendants and their servants wear dark or saturated colours but even they will not be seen with vulgar embroidery or prints. Gold and silver are pure metals. Diamonds and opals are pure stones.   Hair should be long, even if covered or worn up. Only criminals who have been to jail have short hair (shaved for hygienic reasons).   Asymmetry is ugly and often connected to some sort of criminality, lack of morals and civility. Dirty, hidden, misshapen or missing hands all belong to unsavoury characters such as rogues and violent men.
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Cover image: by michaelason

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