Evelire History of the Marlcroft Sea Timeline

History of the Marlcroft Sea

A look into the Marlcroft region from the fall of the Gagnan Empire until the present day.

  • 1049 EA

    Fall of Gagna

    After decades of expansion and over reach, the Gagnan Empire crumbles.

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  • 1409 EA

    14 Boin
    1413 EA

    32 Favresmu

    The Wars of Unification
    Military action

    Thees Truce, later called The Unifier, lead his armies from Eespainged (modern day Fuselets) to unify the waring Helmain people.

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  • 1562 EA

    3 Launsmu
    1564 EA

    13 Prertesmu

    Nagnan Civil War
    Military action

    As technology grows in Nagna, the people grow tired of the abuse of the aristocracy. After a peaceful protest ends with the aristocracy slaughtering hundreds, the common folk rise up against them.   In the end, most of the ruling class is killed, and the few who survived did so by forming knightly orders who joined the rebels and or pledging themselves to the church.

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  • 1596 EA

    22 Mieusque
    1597 EA

    34 Launsmu

    Sein Civil War
    Political event

    In fighting and bickering left Sein weak after its attempted invasion of Nedesdia, and so the church began to step in to try and prop up the collapsing government.   Eventually, the people turned on the aristocracy, who continued to fight each other, and the church, leading the country into even worse a place, so they began working to dismantle the power they held. Fearing a similar situation to that which was seen in the Nagnan Civil War, only thirty two years prior, many of the aristocrats fled south, seeking safe harbor in the fledgling nation they just tried to destroy. With the influx of money, however, the Nedesdians had no means to reject their former invaders.   In Sein, there was a relatively peaceful transfer of power from the aristocrats who remained to the church lead counter party. There were a few minor battles in the west, thus granting the event its title of civil war, but frankly, it is little more than an exaggeration.

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  • 1600 EA

    18 Mieusque

    Treaty of Shirnedfy
    Diplomatic action

    In order to resist the pressures of their Krictis neighbors, the king and the congress agreed to grant the former Sein aristocracy landholdings in Nedesdia, as well as turn over much of the power to local rulers, in return for financial and martial aid.   This led to nearly 35% of the nobility in Nedesdia being elven, and to a for more decentralized power structure, were the aristocracy has majority sway over the land.

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  • 1649 EA

    14 Favresmu

    Battle of Bawt Strait
    Military action

    After a break down in negotiations between Sein and Ogneivrede, the Sein navy blockades Ogneivrede.   Ogneivrede retaliates, kicking off the Ogneivrede-Sein War,

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    Ogneivrede-Sein War
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