Evelina Character in Evangelina | World Anvil
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The Halfling

Second Princess of the Seriphan Empire Evelina Loretta Au Seripha (a.k.a. Ev)

The Second Princess of the Seriphan Empire, daughter of Empress Stellamaris and the Desert Elf Damask of Ordo. Her birth was unexpected, and her nature as a hybrid has led to widespread disdain for her. As a result, she's developed a detached and antisocial personality, preferring the company of books and her other parents' relatives, the Ordo Caravan. She excels in magic and academics, though she avoids the spotlight whenever possible. Her unsociable demeanor has furthered rumors about her, speculating she is haughty and stuck-up, contemptuous of those below her station. However, she's lonelier than she looks...   (World Anvil won't let me put multiple races ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Years ago, the Ordo Caravan of Desert Elves came to the capital of Corduro, in the wake of the Second Seriphan Civil War's conclusion. As Desert Elves were a rare sight in the Seriphan Empire, they were invited to the palace as honored guests. They exchanged gifts and tales with the court, describing their homeland in the southern continent. In the time they stayed, one member of the caravan, Damask, became acquainted with Empress Stella, bonding over their love of scholarship and knowledge. One thing led to another, and to everyone's shock, Empress Stella would give birth to Evelina, premature and weak. As there's been few recorded instances of Elf-Human hybrids, this caused quite the uproar. One of the most infamous Elf-Human Hybrids was the Mad Empress Aubrecia of centuries past, and people did not hesitate to compare the two. Damask mysteriously disappeared from the palace some time before, and their whereabouts remain unknown.   The Ordo Caravan was shocked by Damask's lone departure, and perhaps hoping to eventually reunite with them in the future, as well as a feeling of obligation to look after Evelina, their sibling's child, agreed to permanent positions in the palace. This proved fortuitous to Evelina, as she was largely ignored by both Stella and the Amaryllia Palace. Stella was often absent, and didn't much monitor what her daughter got up to, and the court, wary of her nature as a hybrid, was more than happy to ignore her presence. The Ordo Caravan would raise her in place of all others, and they would be her only supporters.

Gender Identity

Though she was born with ambiguous sex characteristics as a result of her Elf heritage, she was assigned female at birth. She chooses to go by both she/her and they/them pronouns, and largely presents as female.


She is panromantic, though her sexuality is somewhat grey. As Desert Elves experience sexual attraction different from humans, she is not sure how that may affect her own tastes.


Even though she was neglected by her mother, Evelina's love of learning and inquisitive nature was eventually brought to Stella's attention, who would provide her with a number of tutors. Though she appreciated their guidance, she felt condescended and patronized by her tutors, and never formed a close relationship with any of them. Eventually, her academic achievements led her to one tutor recommending that she apply to Obelian Academy, an elite school for adolescent children. Encouraged by her Desert Elf relatives, she decided to apply, and was accepted into the class of 487.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

She greatly enjoys quietly reading, and though she often professes to only reading nonfiction texts, she secretly indulges in the occasional romance novel or two.


Social Aptitude

She's highly reserved, rarely speaking. If offered to socialize in any form, she will most certainly turn it down. While she doesn't come off as rude, there's a certain aloofness to her that others are quick to twist into hubris and arrogance.



Mother (Trivial)

Towards Evelina




Daughter (Trivial)

Towards Stella





Towards Evelina




Towards Damask


Date of Birth
22 of Aesla, 468 AE
Year of Birth
468 AE 18 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born from a liasion between the Seriphan Empress Stella and the Desert Elf Damask of the Ordo Caravan. Her birth came as a shock to many.
Corduro, Rennon, Seriphan Empire
A vibrant peach color, golden with a tinge of pink and red; it has been noted they're the exact shade of her mother's eyes.
Her hair is dark brown, though a little lighter in hue than her Desert Elf relatives.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Her skin is a warm tan, a light brown with a golden hue.
  • Stellamaris, mother
  • Damask, parent
  • Fiorella, older half sister
  • Eumelia, niece
  • Johon, parent-sib
  • Sadzi, parent-sib
  • Nadine, parent-sib
  • Addax, cousin
  • Ibex, cousin
  • Yucca, cousin
  • Hyrax, cousin
Relationship Status
  • Marcella, love interest

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