Bellona Character in Evangelina | World Anvil
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Countess Bellona Enya d'Raph (a.k.a. "Bell")

Famed for their military prowess, the Raph clan boasts a proud lineage of skilled generals. Bellona is the latest of such an elite, becoming Supreme Commander of the Imperial Army at the age of 18, right as the Second Seriphan Civil War broke out. She quickly declared her allegiance, and used her tactical genius to win battle after battle for the Loyalists. Following the war's conclusion, Bellona continued to serve as Supreme Commander, keeping order in the Empire, and maintaining close relations to the Empress Stella. She's recently retired from this position, agreeing to serve on the Imperial Council as a military advisor.

Physical Description

Facial Features

She has a mole right below her lip.

Identifying Characteristics

She's covered in scars, and her most notable feature is a severe neck scar, which was caused from an attempted hanging when she was captured by enemy in the Second Seriphan Civil War.

Special abilities

She is extremely skilled in both magical combat and non-magical combat. Her swordsmanship and firearm proficiency are unmatched, and she has knack for picking up and mastering new weapons quickly.   She is well known for her signature magical technique, the remote levitation and usage of multiple weapons within her ambit. In its most common usage, she arranges firearms all around her, simultaneously reloading and firing all of them at once, leaving no angle uncovered. Her abilities are so strong it's not impossible to think that she could defend a position all by herself, given enough ammo and firearms.

Apparel & Accessories

She is usually wearing casual clothing, but is rarely seen in a dress. She sometimes dresses in military regalia if the occasion calls for it.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Bellona and her twin brother Aras were the product of Lord Hypatius d'Ombrius's first marriage with Alexandra Carmine d'Raph. However, at age five, her mother discovered her husband's affair with another noblewoman. She suffered a mental breakdown, and the two susbequently split, Alexandra taking the twins with her. Three years after the divorce, she passed away, having drowned her sorrows in drink and smoke. Both she and her brother experienced a intense bout of apathy and indifference following her death, for it seemed all meaning and sense to life had been lost.   To this day, Bellona recalls that her first memory was of her mother screaming and throwing glasses and vases against the wall, her father escaping from the room. After her mother's passing, cementing her image of a weak, despondent woman in Bellona's eyes, she felt confused and numb, unsure of what anything was anymore. However,


She was previously the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Seriphan Army, but has since then retired. She now serves as a military advisor on the Imperial Council.


Social Aptitude

Described to be rowdy and affable, friendly and gregarious in a sort of rough hewn way. Some may call her uncouth, but she can be genuinely likable and convivial. However, she also possesses a somewhat unnerving cunning and sadistic streak. She's highly intelligent, and is a military genius, having taken command of the Army at the age of 18 through assassinating her great aunt.   She's very cynical, possessing a dark sense of humor, and often hates it when others try to cover up "unacceptable" activities as in service of a noble goal. She’s very clear about the fact that she doesn’t fight for honor or for morality’s sake. She joined the military because it was the best way for her to establish her dominance and power in the most satisfying matter. For these reasons, she despises hypocrites, people wishing to pretend otherwise, covering up their acts all up with a facade of righteousness or getting second thoughts and guilt.   She's highly competitive, even if it's not immediately obvious. She takes great enjoyment from her perceived supremacy over others, whether it be crushing them competitively or dominating them on the battlefield. She even gets excited from getting beaten. Winning and losing are one of the few things that get her blood rushing, and loss simply means her comeback victory will be all the more satisfying. As a result, following a loss, she can become obsessed with analyzing her every move and choice, seeking any way to become better.



Imperial Council Military Advisor (Vital)

Towards Stella




Sovereign (Important)

Towards Bellona




It is somewhat difficult to describe their relationship.


Adversary (Important)

Towards Bellona




Adversary (Important)

Towards Arielle




Twin Sister (Vital)

Towards Aras




Twin Brother (Vital)

Towards Bellona



Current Location
Date of Birth
2nd of Hemnas, 441
Year of Birth
441 AE 45 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
She and her twin brother Aras were born to Lord Hypatius d'Ombrius and his wife at the time, Lady Alexandra d'Raph.
Aras (Twin Brother)
Current Residence
Startlingly vivid orange
Her hair is dark red and wavy, and back in her military days, she kept it short and styled. Since retiring from service, she has let it grow out.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Warm, tanned
Quotes & Catchphrases
“Fighting is like champagne. It goes to the heads of cowards as quickly as of heroes. Any fool can be brave on a battlefield when it’s be brave or be killed.”
Aligned Organization
  • Hypatius d'Ombrius, father
  • Alexandra Carmine d'Raph, mother
  • Aras d'Raph, younger twin brother
  • Cordalia Cynthia d'Ombrius, younger half-sister
  • Loxias d'Ombrius, younger half-brother
  • Eleuther d'Ombrius, younger half-brother
  • Drucilla Telloria d'Raph, maternal cousin
Relationship Status
  • Stella, ???

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