Zorosco Character in Evaia & Aevion | World Anvil
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A true believer of Nangnang

Not much is known about Zorosco except that she was a gambling addict and has recently become a follower of Nangnang. Zorosco is the last present party member of the original crew quested with destroying the Soulmonger.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Her Father Vaalyun Ventris was a famous assassin who was known for killing many prominent nobles of Tarathiel. One day he was given a contract to kill a noblewoman named Kenia Tralynn. Little did he know she was a leader of a secret organization known as the "Sisterhood of the Hidden Mother" wanting revenge the sisterhood came after him and his family, which included him, his wife Saphielle and his only child, Alry. By the time he knew that he was a wanted man, the sisterhood had already killed his wife. Hoping to save his daughter he gave her a new name, Zorosco, and instructed her to leave Tarathiel, claiming that if he stayed then she would have enough time to escape and that the sisterhood would forget of her existence. Alry was a pain in the ass and didn't want to leave her father behind so she decided to stay in the city and learn what she could about the sisterhood to try and save him. She was unable to learn anything and decided to try and reason with him to get him to leave with her, When arriving at their home she was greeted with two sisters, who she barely fought off only to find out that her father was already dead. she then moved to a different part of town because she was too poor to actually leave the city. In the years living on her own, she was able to keep herself hidden while also creating her own small underground organization. She also in this time learned how great gambling was and how much she loved it, this was the start of her gambling addiction. As her organization grew she become too cocky and started to become a more well-known criminal, the sisterhood caught wind of this and was able to persuade some of zorosco's friends (with some gold) to find out who she really was and they assassinated her. She was then resurrected by Evaia to defeat the soulmonger.
Current Location

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