Jolkien Ethnicity in Evaia & Aevion | World Anvil
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Country: Tarlani (name of a T.R.R Jolkien Elven race)   Capital City: Ashwynn   Colours: Dark Red, Gold and Black   Races: Elven. (All elven races besides the drow)   Government: Subdivision of the world government, keepers of the forest Tarlani. Run by the elder druids, whom decide on local elven affairs and defer to the resident Speaker of Evaia (Elven). Different sections of elven society (Economy, Agriculture, Defense, Religion, Social, Education) have their assigned Elders.   Religion: While the country was originally founded from a cult of T.R.R Jolkienites, the study of Jolkien has become more of an academic pursuit. The reigning religion that is forced is that of Evaia.             Resources: What are their major imports? The Elves of Tarlani do not need much, because of this the most sought after imports are that of exotic spices, clothe, and other materials uncommon in Tarlani. Exports? Wood and Magical equipment. Although they are very protective of their forests, theElves understand that wood is a valuable and much needed resource throughout the world. To protect the forest for poachers and appease other nations, the elves have cultivated scattered plots of new growth forestlands to cut and regrow timber when needed.   Description of Major Cities: Ashwynn is the Elven Stronghold, found deep within the forests of Tarlani, Ashwynn overlooks the golden waters of Tyaren Lake. A gift from Evaia, Ashwynn rises out of the plateau a burnished red hue that reflects the golden waters of Tyaren with a metallic sheen at dusk and dawn regardless that the spires themselves are a living growth of the trees they are carved from. From above Ashwynn looks like nothing but the continuation of the Tarlani forest, From within the size and magnitude of the towering city-tree-scape inspires awe and wonder even within the emotionless Yuan-ti.   Quote: “Not all those who wander are lost.” -T.R.R Jolkien “Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens.” -T.R.R Jolkien   History: Sick of the warring between tribes. A mellenia ago, before the proclamation of Evaia’s will, the Elves (then called the Jolkienites) were a primitive form of the Aasimar that formed a cult following of the celebrated author T.R.R Jolkien. Eventually sick with war and idolizing the world of Jolkien “Earth”, the cult fled the never-ending war and survived within Tarlani Forest. Later when Evaia cursed those that would harm her, she also blessed those who protected her. The Jolkienites were one such party and as a gift, Evaia transformed the into the beautiful Elves they idolized and grew them the living city Ashwynn   Physical: Elves           Clothing: What do they wear? Generic Elven attire, during festivals and important events Elves will wear clothes of Dark red and gold, brandishing the Jolkien symbol. What is it made out of? Nice stuff Who can afford certain types of clothing? Exotic clothing can be afforded by the wealthier and prestigious families. How does clothing symbolize a person’s profession/religion or something similar? If you can afford to wear exotic clothing you do. Most people don’t wear religious cloth without reason outside the resident Speaker of Evaia   Mannerisms: What do they do a lot? Study the works of Jolkien Greet with the phrase “Live well!”   Weather Patterns: Being close to an open coast the forest of Tarlani gets a fair amount of rain in the same fashion that Seattle does   Magic: All Elves are magical in some way. They understand their magic comes from Evaia as a gift and is therefore a privilege and a responsibility. There are other darker forms of magic that can be obtained but in doing so you lose the power given by Evaia. (Evaian magic extends to the other world but the darker magic only lasts for a little while).   Language: Elvish as written by Jolkien as well as Primordial, the global common tongue   Cuisine: What meals do the people enjoy? Vegan diets What are their delicacies? Foreign spices and veggies What food is taboo? Food that the elves of Jolkien wouldn’t eat What is the staple of the country? How do people of the upper class eat compared to the lower class? More exotic foods   Leisure: What games do they play? Fancy Chess, Archery competitions, games of magic   Transport: Gates of teleportation between their two home cities of Ashwynn and Ishanei.   Weapons: Elven weapons of varying variness   Greetings: “Live Well!” with a hand sweeping out from the heart to signify openness   Customs: Drink a sip before eating Give a non-monetary gift when invited to someones home   Superstitions: Speaking ill of Evaia or Jolkien brings bad luck.   Beliefs: Evaia is alive   Rituals: no   Festivals: Feast of farewells (bi-annual) big feast where all elves regardless of social status come together and eat the remaining food before departing to the other side of the world Week of homecoming (bi-annual) a week of spring cleaning basically idk what it’s going to entail yet though Festival of Thanks (anniversary of Evaia’s gift) Education: All Elven children are educated in the works of Jolkien. All elven children also attend the same schools regardless of social status and any can climb the ranks of any social ladder.

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