Phlegethos Geographic Location in Evaia & Aevion | World Anvil
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The Fourth Layer of the Nine Hells

Phlegethos is a fiery wasteland filled with active volcanoes, hills of ash, gouting fires, streams of magma, pits of smoking excrement, and burning sand beneath a screaming rain of magical fire flakes. Lady Fierna and Archduke Belial are the lords of this layer. Few can exist here for long without suitable protection from the extreme heat. The fortress capital city of Abriymoch is built on the lip of a volcano and composed of hardened magma in the caldera of a volcano and is somewhat more bearable than the rest of Phlegethos. It has little tolerance for outsiders, but important allies of Fierna, the Lady of the Fourth, have their places in its society. The pit fiend Gazra, commander of the hamatulas, dwells here in a palace of crystal. Fierna and Belial reside in a palace of pure obsidian high up on one side of the city.   The ground of Phlegethos is always uncomfortably hot. This, as well as patrols of barbed devils, keep most intruders constantly on the move. Tremors are common, and it is not unusual for the ground to violently erupt or fissures to open without notice. The sky of Phlegethos is a dark, starless void, but constantly leaping flames provide weird illumination to the harsh landscape.   Rivers of liquid fire feed and emerge from at least two massive lakes where the flames burn brightest. This fiery "water" is inhabited by numerous wandering salamanders that were brought to the layer in days long past, to be bound in servitude to the master of the plane. Given that salamanders are not prone to taking orders, this didn't work out, and most were slain by Belial's servants and vassals. Those few who escaped remain bound to Phlegethos by Belial's magic, and continue to survive by avoiding large groups of baatezu and snatching lone individuals who venture too close to one of the fiery rivers.   The Pit of Flame is a boiling, fiery sea of refuse empowered by the primal energy of Baator. It is a place of both promotion and punishment for devils across the nine circles. Thousands of osyluths watch it to ensure that it is not abused.   Most of Phlegethos is inhabited by barbed devils, though other devils live there as well.   In the fiery plains beyond Abriymoch, the Sumerian goddess Inanna lives in a realm called the Jealous Heart.  

Lady Fierna and Lord Belial of the Fourth

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Following the Reckoning, Belial was demoted from official to unofficial ruler of Phlegethos, with Fierna taking the mantle of rulership and Belial wearing the mantle of leadership. This situation suited both just fine until Glasya's ascension to rulership of Malbolge. Since then Fierna has struck a fast friendship with Glasya, and at her urging is moving to gain greater independence from her father (and rumored consort). Moreover, since the death of Fierna's mother Naome (Belial's former consort), both she-devils now share the mutual grief of having a dead mother. This fact caused them to become even more united.[citation needed]   Belial, for his part, has been attempting to keep tabs on his daughter's behavior without provoking her to greater autonomy, even putting many of his schemes against Levistus, Lord of Stygia, on hold. Belial is also considering various actions against Glasya, to make her a less appealing role model for Fierna. He is fully aware that the line he treads is thin, however as any obvious strikes against Asmodeus' daughter could not only inspire his own progeny to rebellion, but be construed as moves against Asmodeus himself.
In name, Lady Fierna ruled Phlegethos, commanding the fiery layer from her palace of rock and magma. In truth, her father, Belial, was the power behind the throne. Sequestered away in the central Hall of One Thousand Sighs and Screams, Belial advises his daughter in the arts of love and pain, taking a personal hand in ensuring she learns all there is to know. Up until now, the situation suited Fierna just fine. But thanks to her flowering relationship with Glasya, she has become more interested in taking Phlegethos in more than just name. No longer is she content to sit idly by and let her father make the decisions. She has even cultivated a few cults on the Prime Material Plane. Fierna's newfound ambition concerns Belial, but he has other worries. He had been assembling armies to invade the fifth and sixth layers, confident his forces could overcome those of Levistus and the Hag Countess. But Glasya's surprising coup stalled his plans, and now he can't move at all, since doing so would invoke the full force of Asmodeus's ire. For now, Belial is content to watch and see what develops with this new player in Hell's vicious political game. Belial and Fierna surround themselves with a variety of devils, including several legions of barbazu and hamatulas, but they are most famed for their kennels. These breeding pits produce powerful hellish beasts that rival even the Nessian warhounds Asmodeus uses to protect his halls.[4]   Belial is the patron of secrets, domination, and seduction. He is a profane being, reveling in the pleasures and pains of the flesh.[5] He resides in the city of Abriymoch in a palace of jagged obsidian built on one lip of the caldera.  

Abriymoch, The Mount of Leaping Flames

Belial and Fierna rule Phlegethos from their home in a hollow volcano. This city has walls of barely-cooled magma, obsidian and crystal. The entire structure creates the illusion of a tortured god breaching the surface of a lake of lava.   The interior is lined with balconies connected by a spiral path. At the top, the lips of the volcano hold basalt towers. The central section of the city can only be traversed using gondolas made of Baatorian green steel. The foundation of this place is said to be the grave of a deity slain by Asmodeus.   Some books say that the ore for Baatorian green steel is drawn from this volcano. Others say that Baatorian green steel is found only on Avernus.


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Tymphalos, the Mouth of Iron: This volcano holds a foundry where lesser devils and hundreds of duergar toil to forge weapons of hell. It is run by an archdevil named Tymphal, a mechanical genius and master smith. He distrusts Fierna and tries to ignore events outside his workshop.   The Lake of Fire: A vast lake of burning pitch in the middle of Phlegethos, the lake of fire is a neutral ground for diabolical disputes. It is said that Asmodeus killed the previous master of this realm right on this spot. The dying deity uttered a wrathful curse, submerging Asmodeus's faithless angels in seething fire.   Devils cannot abide the torment of this lake.
The Pit of Flame: This huge lake of boiling filth and white flame is a place of punishment for devils that failed in their duties. The flames of the pit are of a special kind that affects those with immunity to fire. It triggers convulsive agony and an inability to think. It isn’t explicitly said, but this sounds like it is hellfire.   In Planescape, the pit is described as a tall inferno full of metal orbs. Devils are placed in the orbs and left to suffer, sometimes for years.   A cornugon named Zammasir runs the pit with a force of horned devil guards. Bone devils have a special ability that allows them to magically deposit devils (except pit fiends) here.   Some devils come here to voluntarily bathe in the flames, sort of like a trip to a sauna. The flames are said to give strength to those who endure their torments.

Other Layers of Hell


The Road of Cinders

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This road is a broken maze of lava tubes that travels from Abriymoch to Stygia. This is a very dangerous path to take, as floods of lava spill down through the tubes infrequently.

The Court Infernal

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Abriymoch is home to pit fiends who settle disputes between devils. Souls are granted a fair hearing to dispute soul contracts. The soul will literally have to argue against a devil's advocate before a pit fiend judge. Presiding over the court system is Shamane, a corruption devil who is a stickler for detail.  

Governor Gazra

Gazra, the pit fiend is given a lot of power in Phlegethos. For a time it was said that Fierna let him run the layer with little supervision. He is the consort of Fierna and he is quietly jealous of Belial. Gazra lives in a castle of crystal statues.


In Phlegethos, rivers of fire tumble from volcanic ridges. It is said that the best flame tongues and helms of brilliance are made here.

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