Avernus Geographic Location in Evaia & Aevion | World Anvil
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The First Layer of the Nine Hell

The first layer, Avernus, is a vast charred wasteland of rubble over which the Stigmarus Mountain watches. Legions of devils march across the plains in continual readiness for the next battle of the Blood War. A red light suffuses the sky and huge fireballs fly across the layer, randomly exploding wherever they hit. Beneath the blood-red sky balls of fire burst unpredictably.  

Zariel, Lady of the First


Zariel was previously an angel of Celestia, who was tasked with tracking the Blood War. Frustrated by her superiors' refusal to engage in the war, Zariel led a host of mortal allies into Avernus. During her battles she earned the favor of Asmodeus who convinced her to join the dark side!  


Zariel lived to fight and judged people on their combat skills and willingness to use those skills. She prized zeal as much as training, and left many a structure in ruin. She spurns the political machinations of the other Lords.

Noteworthy Locations


The Bronze Citadel

This Zariel's ever-expanding fortress. It has 14 concentric rings, each with its own gate guarded by devils.
  • It is loaded with ballistae and catapults and bristling with war machines.
  • Each lord and lady of Baator has a household here.
  • The halls are full of devils seeking arbitration, petitioners, lemures, and hundreds of thousands of devils bound for the Blood War.

The Maggot Pit

Important in Baator for its role in creating new infernal. This 1,000 foot diameter pit converts the souls of the damned into lemures. Filled with ooze and writhing white worms, pain devils push the damned in. Once the damned drown, the maggots eat and excrete them. The excrement becomes gelatinous lemures. The Maggot Pit is overseen by Arraka, a red abishai.  

The Pillar of Skulls

This pillar is made of the heads of sages who lied to customers in life. The skulls can answer questions, but they demand payment.  

Tiamat's Fortress

A jagged, crown-shaped mountain redoubt. There are five watchtowers, each carved to look like the head and neck of a watchful dragon. The main entrance is only accessible to flying creatures.

Fauna & Flora

Firefungus: This is the only food source on Avernus that is edible to non-devils. It wiggles and is marginally nutritious. It is found in patches of ground recently struck by fireballs.

Other Layers of Hell

A number of godly realms exist on Avernus   Draukari, realm of kobold deity Kurtulmak. Kurtulmak's realm is often raided by goblins serving Bargrivyek.   The Peacable Lands realm of goblin deity Bargrivyek The towns in Draukari, hidden in the hills, mountains, and deep forests of the realm, are Frekstavik, Nibellin, and Snjarll.   Abthalom, the Nether Reaches, realm of dragon-queen goddess Takhisis. Vast legions of Abishai serve the Queen of Darkness, milling through the Rallying Grounds and near the Temple of Takhisis and the Tower of High Sorcery.


The River Styx flows through this layer into the mouth of the Mountain carving its way through to the second layer, Dis. The passage is manned by the undead of Styx and guarded by barbed devils   The River of Blood is full of infernal leeches. It eventually flows into the River Styx. There may be a whole system of rivers of blood/fluids that merge with the Styx.  


The Lake of Blood spills from the Stigmaris mountains and flows into the river of blood. Some say the source of the blood is unknown. Others say it is the blood of all past victims on the layer.   Lake of Despond: Newly damned souls appear here. This could be the place where the River Styx begins. A great funnel-like storm cloud is above it, pulling people from the astral plane to the Nine Hells. If you enter the lake, it has a diminishing effect and you are overcome with despair.

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