Eurithan The Convergence Event
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The Convergence Event

Geological / environmental event


Worlds collided once the lands were fractured by the Earthbreaker Titans. The realms of the Elementals converged on Anderall, altering landscapes, enchanting seas, mutating flora and fauna, and imbuing some with powerful blood born magic.

The Convergence Event, or commonly known by historians as simply "Convergence", occurred after the Wars of the Colossus, a battle that pitted Primordial Elemental Colossi against each other, dragons, and mortal beings.   Anderall was decimated in the battles that had ensued, the people without food, shelter, even water. One of the remaining Colossi, Dural, broke off pieces of his "heartstone", parts of him that gained sentience and power at a fraction of his own. These Earthbreaker Titans descended into the ocean's depths, and only but a few moments later, a cataclysmic earthquake shattered the lands that held Anderall together, where the ancient neighbouring land of Wothe broke apart and drifted off into the unknown. Great tsunamis tore asunder the coastline near the city of Caelor, splintering the cliffs and sank the place whole. Great spire jolted from the seabed near the coast of the realms of Icune, as if the ocean had been pierced by daggers. Yet, those who survived this cataclysmic event believed that to be the end of it, yet that was only the beginning.   People began to saw strange seams of warbling energy speckled across the lands. The end of the war had done more than claim lives, homes, and fractured the world. It had weakened the veil between extra-dimensional realms, as if the War, itself, had scarred the cosmos.   They questioned the Primordial one they knew as Dural, but he had no answers. His knowledge could provide them with nothing but a vague response to the strange phenomena. As the people grew worried, some grew furious with the sentient mountain, and he left, marching into the icy depths of the oceans, towards the sailing lands of the now broken Wothe. Where he went, nobody knows, but his old blades mark the greatest of battles, wedged inside of mountains, cleaved in twain.   As time rolled on, the chaos of war gone, curious folk would camp near the rifts. And, as they rested near the strange threads of power, the untamed rifts poured wild elemental magic through the lands, spreading like a virus and festered within the blood of all who were close by. Those people vanished without a trace, their campfires running cold. What remained in their stead were pools of primordial sludge, believed to be those people. That was until those people showed up four days later, imbued with the powers to manipulate certain elements, albeit to a small extent. Today, these people are known as Sorcerers, whose descendants display the arcane powers within, every few generations, of course.   Every time they controlled the elements, unbeknownst to them, with each manipulation, with each evocative cast, the Scars grew larger and larger. Before they knew it, beasts poured out from within, of all shapes, sizes, and abilities. These Elementals, as they were later called, were impenetrable to the blades of the common folk, but an old order of Elvish warriors known as Bladesingers would bless their weapons with song, and cut through each Elemental, Genie, and Mephit that emerged. Yet again, the people of Anderall had heroes, but with all of their heroes, the Bladesingers vanished.   And, as this Convergence came to a close, after five long years, yet came with a warning from a hero of the Wars of the Colossus - a Seeker by the name of Tif Arelost. She enlightened the people with a prediction that another Convergence would occur if they were not careful. And so, the people began studying the planes, the elements, and gave rise to the Schools of Wizardry, the interest in the arcane, and above all else, faith in those who unknowingly guided them. However, all of those lost in the Wars and the Convergence bore heavily into their hearts, as no amount of praying could bring them back.   Today, there are sects of orders dedicated to overseeing any phenomena which may lead to another Convergence, and have yet to see a single sign. But, the fears that the ancient Seeker was right are always at the back of their minds.

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