Damaris Longhorn Character in Eurithan | World Anvil
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Damaris Longhorn

Big, beefy, and bashful

Created by Mu

Damaris Marthus Longhorn (a.k.a. Tank)

From deep within the labyrinth of an old goddess, grew a fearsome monster that roamed throughout to protect her. One day, he had to leave, and eventually found himself at sea.   That ship bears no artillery, for he is their tank.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tank is in peak physical condition, with strength, agility, and endurance to rival even the most adept athlete. He is bulging with great muscular mass.

Body Features

His body is covered head to toe in thick fur

Facial Features

His face is typical of that of a bull, muscular, aggressive appearing, bearing strong features throughout.

Identifying Characteristics

Tank has several scars across his body, due to his lack of armour. He has what he considers a "cliche" nose ring piercing.

Physical quirks

Breathes heavily out of his nose

Special abilities


Apparel & Accessories

Tank generally wears a faulds, as he tends not to wear armour into battle. He occasionally wear a pauldron.

Specialized Equipment

Tank is specialised in heavy weaponry, absorbing damage, and channelling radiant energy through his greataxe.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Tank was home schooled, never able to obtain an official education


  • Guardian of the Labyrinth of Cyradell
  • Quartermaster of the Witch of Nimir

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Survived a childhood within a cold labyrinth, against zealous and heavily armed intruders.
  • Lived on the streets of Ebonmounte for several years, surviving only by aiding in heavy lifting and getting little pay.
  • Became Quartermaster of the Witch of Nimir and a force to be reckoned with
  • Worked as a construction worker once the Witch was overrun by Justiciars, for a few years, before returning as Quartermaster.

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Barely survived the Astrudim Justiciar assault on the Witch of Nimir, only surviving due to his old friend, Jericho.
  • Fell to the hands of the Justiciars a second time, in Pash Vaelenor, due to an unanticipated attack. He survived due to the on-board Cleric, Charlotte.

Mental Trauma

Tank has an unerring fear of heights and the Fly spell

Intellectual Characteristics

Tank may not have the wisdom or the intellectual smarts, but he is thoughtful, charismatic, and rarely headstrong - thinking out his strategy in the long run.

Morality & Philosophy

"There is no wall I can break, no mountain I cannot climb, and no monster who could surpass me."


Once caved in a murderer's skull against a lead pipeline, but was blamed for the victim's murder.

Personality Characteristics


Guide the Stormbreakers to greatness and crush their foes

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Tank is the local champion of arm wrestling in Port Xhurhax
  • He can carry heavy loads without fault
  • He cannot write Common to save his life

Likes & Dislikes

  • Tank loves the thrill of battle, the spirit of the sport, and a big horn of mead at the end of the day.
  • He despises it when people buy him shoes or socks. I mean, how would they fit?

Virtues & Personality perks

Kind, enduring, tactical, obedient, and enthusiastic

Vices & Personality flaws

Loses control of himself in battle, entering a blood frenzy once he gets badly injured. He has been known to hurt his allies whilst in this state.

Personality Quirks

Flexes when he is uncomfortable, entering a defensive position.


He usually stinks of dried blood and beer, but on some days he just smells of soap flakes.


Contacts & Relations

Jericho, best friend and battle partner

Family Ties

Tank has no known family

Religious Views

He believes wholeheartedly in Cyradell, Old Goddess of Rebirth

Social Aptitude

He is often ignored in social situations, but can throw over the blanket of fear if people begin to pose as a threat, as he is a fearsome beast.

Hobbies & Pets

Had a hobby within arm wrestling


Tank speaks as if permanently trapped in an old Spaghetti Western, sporting a Southern accent that makes you believe he's out for those damn O'Driscolls.

Wealth & Financial state

Tank bears no wealth, instead focusing on obtaining wealth for the Witch, in which he uses the money gained to purchase much needed supplies and commodities for himself and crew.
Lawful Evil
Year of Birth
1617 41 Years old
Ebonmounte, Icune, Anderall
Current Residence
The Witch of Nimir
Steel, warmly and inviting
532 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Arm wrestle?" "MOOOO, MUTHAFUCKA!"
Known Languages
Tank can speak Common, Giant, and Minotaur. He can only read in Minotaur fluently, and requires assistance reading Common due to the structuring and spelling.

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