Bladesingers Organization in Eurithan | World Anvil
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Go to where the forest sings

Created by Mu, established on the Bladesingers from the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide (SCAG)
Can you hear that? The singing? Such a strange sound, like angels trapped in the old woods.


The Bladesingers are overseen by a Herald, a powerful battle mage whose voice echoes throughout the Ònfathain (Ohn-fat-hain). Those below them, Locrians, are still relatively skilled in their unique ways, and guide those of the lower ranks as mentors. Those below Locrians are referred to as Lydians, and lower so - Kyrials. Kyrials are the beginners of the vestigial tradition of Bladesinging, and must learn several methods of song as well as combat training, versing in weapons, armour, and spellcasting.

Public Agenda

The drive of the Bladesingers is to uphold and maintain an ancient tradition that has been lost to most. They protect the world against supernatural beings such as demons, devils, fiends, and spirits.


Those who manage to see inside the Ònfathain could perhaps find a trove of weapons and armour stored away, their temple guarded by an enchanted forest full of fey guardians. The amount of Bladesingers roaming about are only twenty-seven strong, and they have a small fortune to buy your silence. That, or your eternal silence.


Perhaps the oldest of the Ancient Elven societies that remains today, the Bladesingers were founded in 213 ER. They were tasked with defending the realm against spirits and other supernatural beings that would bring harm to the lands of Anderall. According to myth, they had stopped the Horsemen of Fate during a time during the Age of Reconstruction where the Blood Moon hanged in the sky for months. Driving back these apocalyptic celestials, the Bladesingers dealt with the collateral beings that were left in the event's wake.   Once they had culled the demons and other manifestations, the Bladesingers sunk away into seclusion in the Ònfathain and have remained there ever since. Their location unknown to almost all, bar the few bookworms and historians who decipher the complex riddles that elude to the forests that surround it. To those who venture to find it heed the warnings on the outskirts, that the monsters within protect the songs of the copse with all their life force.   Nobody can tell what the old order is awaiting but when they do, it may be the sign that something is about to happen, on a catastrophic level.
Secret, Religious sect

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