The Wanderer Character in Eulea | World Anvil

The Wanderer

The Eternal Traveller

The Wanderer. The master of paths known and unknown. The Usurper. As the Second Living God her influence is second only to the Emperor's and their interactions would shape the world in ways neither of them could have alone. Much like the others, her past is long since lost, buried in the great journey she took to becoming such a being. Her power would inevitably lead to conflict with the Emperor and in doing so lead to the the events of the Cataclysm and the eventual fracturing of the Empire. Even in her absence after the events, her followers continue to spread her teachings and the Pleuyan Republic was even formed based heavily on her ideas and remembers her as a benevolent and wise god.

Divine Domains

Chaos, Good, Liberation, Luck, Strength

Holy Books & Codes

Paths of the World

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A Rising Sun

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

While emitting a divine presence, the Wanderer is much more plain and approachable than the other Living Gods, barely appearing to be any more than an average human. She is incredibly strong and is considered the physically most powerful of the Living Gods.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Wanderer is rumoured to have been born on the Lost Continent, centuries before the Cataclysm that would prevent future births on the continent, as a result it is likely that she is the only survivor of the ancient tribe that once dwelled there. Beyond that little is known of her past except that she lived in the Lost Continent from the time she became immortal until she completed the fifth trial. As a result no one in the Empire even knew of her beyond rumours of a being constantly hunting down Divine Beasts. While she never gathered the support or retinues of the Emperor, she did have a small group of loyal friends who accompanied her on her never ending hunt, gaining power as she did, who would also accompany her into the final trial. Not only did she manage to succeed but apparently the group only suffered a single casualty.   It is said that the Wanderer began travelling the world because it had always been their deceased companion's dream and that she carries a momento of her fallen comrade wherever she goes so that she can in some way fulfil it. During those travels she encountered many different people and began helping those in need, gaining supporters as she went, and discovering all sorts of secrets lost to time. As word spread, the rumours of a second Living God reached the Emperor, who sought out the younger god. When they finally met, he proposed that they work together in order to bring the Empire to new heights. The Wanderer, not tied down by commitments and wishing only to help those in need, politely rejected the Emperor's offer and the two parted on good terms. The peace between the two Living Gods was unfortunately a fragile and temporary state of affairs however.   While the Wanderer continued to aid those she could, she also began teaching them what she knew, leading to many questioning the authoritarian rule of the Empire despite its benevolent nature. Her actions led to a wave of discontent amongst the citizens, against the caste system and immortal rule. While she herself never realised the threat she posed to the Empire over time the impact she was having became too much for the Emperor to tolerate. Once more he made an offer to the Wanderer to join him and rule by his side and once more she refused. This time there would be no amicable parting however as the two came to blows as their visions of the world differed too much from each other. The battle ravaged large parts of the Lost Continent, unleashing a cataclysmic exodus of Divine Beasts trying to escape the vast powers of the two beings, their power reshaping the very geographical features of the land itself. After days of fighting, the battle would finally cease and to this day no one but the two of them know who was the victor.   The Wanderer vanished that day, no one knows where to. Her companions, now considered religious leaders of sorts, claim she is on her greatest journey yet and one day she will return and take her faithful to a new place free from the oppression of others. Others believe she is simply still travelling the world, helping where she can, while keeping a much lower profile this time. While many theories abound, none believe she perished in that fight and the world awaits the time the Living God intends to reveal herself once more.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Second to complete the Final Trial   Duelled the Emperor as an equal

Failures & Embarrassments

Caused the Cataclysm in battle against the Emperor

Morality & Philosophy

Kindness and change only matter when they are brought by those who are free.
Divine Classification
Living God
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Year of Birth
3319 MW 4226 Years old
Current Residence
Glowing deep blue
Long, windswept and red


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