Dragonfly Clan Language in Ethrosa | World Anvil

Dragonfly Clan

The Dragonfly Clan language was developed by Asyn, Deity of the Dragonfly and her followers. It was formed out of necessity. As the Dragonfly Clan, as they later called themselves, promoted Asyn to a god knowing full well that it was a banned act. The language was only to be taught to those who follow Asyn and only them. This was mainly managed by each of the members as it was a smaller group of people who trusted each other.   Asyn became a god because her followers felt so strongly in her and were willing to risk the wrath of the town and other gods to promote her to a minor god. Asyn felt like she was a normal person that enjoyed the company of dragonflies and never really wanted to be a god. She was starting to get noticed by other gods and fled to Stellify.  


The language does not sound like a language but someone humming a tune. Not saying words under their breath but humming. In this way it allowed conversations to happen in front of people and they were none the wiser. There was a lot of hidden messages right under people's noses.   It also gave the ability to use dragonflies as messengers. This came in handy for Sea, Asyn's cleric, when she started the now called Dragonfly Confusion to overthrow Asyn as their god and leader of this small prosperous town. Sea was able to communicate with some of her friends using this language and created hidden meaning within the language itself better hiding her seige. This conflict killed all but a few people who knew this language.


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