Kórésin Ravitéróvrén Character in Etherium | World Anvil

Kórésin Ravitéróvrén (koh-rey-sin rah-vit-tey-rohv-reyn)

Lord Kórésin Ravitéróvrén (a.k.a. Kóré, Korry)

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

An overcoat that ends halfway down his shins and is buttoned from the waist to just below his chest, with complimentary shirt and pants underneath, along with durable leather travel boots. He has many changes of this overall style, in different colours and, for formal occasions, intricate gold or silver embroidery.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born into poverty on the streets, Kórésin's first memory is of life as an orphan, starving, weak, and scared. When he was around seven years old, the nobleman Lord Lérenís Ravitéróvrén found him and, as both a charity case and to give himself better PR, adopted the young boy into his family - indeed, it was mostly luck, as Lérenís was of the mind to adopt the first homeless orphan he saw.   Raised as a young noble from then on, Kórésin at first was far more interested in food than his lessons. This frustrated his tutors, and eventually one of them threatened him with no dinner if he did not focus on his schooling and put effort into his work. This succeeded in scaring Kórésin into obedience, and his tutors used this as a means to ensure he studied as was appropriate for a noble child in such desperate need of catching up to his peers.   During early adolescence, Kórésin's quiet life of food and study was interrupted by the development of his nascent power. Accidentally bumping into a servant, having had his nose in a book and snacking while walking down the hall, he unintentionally knocked them into an expensive antique vase, which fell and shattered.   Surprised, regretful, and frightened of what his tutors might do if they found out, Kórésin's rising stress and emotional levels, combined with the startings of puberty, awoke the power of his blood. As if by flash of inspiration, symbols and runes drew themselves in his mind's eye, entwining to form three layers that fused together to weave one large, intricately beautiful structure.   The power that sang through him was at once hot and cold, rough and smooth, exciting and yet soothing - it was the energy of possibility, of potential. Or so it felt, as Kórésin put his hand to the largest shard of the vase, having knelt without realizing it, and spoke words that came to him in just that moment. "Arélare ón yné." (Mend for me.)   The ñóvitét repairing of the vase and the awakening of his sorcerous talent resulted in something new being added to his studies: the art of spellcasting. Kórésin's power grew in leaps and bounds, and this required careful observation and, occasionally, careful, well-timed use of a rod of negation - more than once, the young Kórésin injured himself or others on accident while trying to get the hang of his newfound, not always predictable power.   Years passed, and Kórésin grew to be a formidable, charismatic, and even intelligent young nobleman, but what bothered him was Lérenís' reserved distance. Sure, his father said that he was proud of him, but there was little shown in the way of affection, genuine or otherwise, though Kórésin got more of it when they were out in public and Lérenís put on a show for his 'audience.'   This resulted in Kórésin becoming desperate for approval, between his distant father and stern tutors. At the age of twenty, the lonely young man decided that perhaps the best thing to do would be to make a name for himself, and after all, as the heir to the Ravitéróvrén lands, he should get to know them.   Clearing it with his father, Kórésin set about preparing himself for a long time away from home, and even took pains to ensure his stamina would be up to the task of walking for long hours - at a suggestion from an acquaintence amongst his peers, he also trained himself to swim and climb, managing to develop just enough skill to not embarass himself at either.   Now closing in on twenty-one, Kórésin searched the local request boards, then selected an 'adventurer's job' that appeared interesting to him - a simple investigation of some old ruins for historical items and records, placed on the board because of the associated possible risks.   Waiting near the employer's meetup point until a group of travel-equipped individuals came and started asking about the possible quest, Kórésin then gently, and politely apologetically, interrupted to express interest himself and offer his services as a mage.   So began his adventures.

Gender Identity





A to B average.


Heir to the Ravitéróvrén line, sorceror.

Intellectual Characteristics

Vain, curious, cheerful, inwardly insecure, needy for attention (tries his hardest not to be annoying, however), polite, easygoing, and energetic.   JUNG personality type: ENFJ (Extraverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, Judging)

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Strengths: Strong in his spellcasting and talented, can see both ends of an argument.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Food, attention, receiving any form of affection, fresh air, exploring.   Dislikes: Lack of food, deprivation, being coerced, deliberately rude people.

Vices & Personality flaws

Weaknesses: Needs to eat a lot to recoup from his use of ñóvité, and has a quiet fear of starving again - as such, when preparing for travel, he tends to overpack nonperishable food just to be safe. This also makes him anxious when rations run even slightly low, and the threat of withholding food from him is an effective means of punishing or (to an extent) controlling him.


Family Ties

Lérenís Ravitéróvrén (adoptive father). Biological parents dead, no siblings or other known family.

Wealth & Financial state

Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Heir to the Ravitéróvrén estate, Lord.
Hazel irises, white sclera, circular pupils.
Dark brown, slightly wavy, shoulder-length. Kept loose.
5'07'' (171 cm.)
Known Languages
Draconic, Elven, and Izhéra.

Cover image: Etherium Logo by Sehanbrel


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