Followers of the Elements Organization in Etheriel | World Anvil

Followers of the Elements

The religion Followers of the Elements, often called Elementaris as it is shorter, relies on the power and energy of nature. Individuals who share the beliefs and are followers are often called Elementaris. The beliefs embrace a variety of gods and goddesses representing different nature-related aspects. The shrines of those deities are distributed in the regions where the beliefs are present.

Divine Origins

Elementaris is one of the eldest religions based on closeness to nature. At first, only single individuals worshiped different aspects of nature, like the seasons. They built shrines in their homes where they prayed and made sacrifices in the form of gathered berries, leaves, flowers, and other items. The small individual shrines slowly became more significant public shrines as the communities grew. Those shrines are usually dedicated to a specific god. They are distributed all across Etheriel, causing the people to make a pilgrim journey to the shrines of the deities they worship each year.

Cosmological Views

According to the Elementaris, the world is formed and sustained by nature and energy deities. The gods are categorized into the six main elements - earth, water, air, fire, spirit, and decay. Those base elements are often divided into multiple subelements over time, depending on the needs of the people.


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