Aetherian Blossom Species in Etheriel | World Anvil

Aetherian Blossom

Aetherian blossoms bloom in the early dawn hours and have a delicate and ephemeral sweetness. The flowers are primarily used for syrups and sauces that accompany desserts and beverages.

Basic Information


Aetherian blossoms have a hollow but flexible stem with lanceolate, waxy leaves. The leaves repel water and reflect the sunlight to minimize water loss and heat absorption. The flower buds consist of multiple long, delicate, and translucent petals that emit a glow in all colors of the dawn sky while opened. The roots are thin and fibrous and anchor the plant in multiple places within rocky gaps.

Genetics and Reproduction

The flower primarily reproduces through seeds that get distributed to new high-altitude places with the help of the wind.

Growth Rate & Stages

Aetherian blossoms undergo an everlasting cycle of renewal throughout their lifetime. It develops a flower bud that unfurls in a ritualistic manner at the first light of dawn, capturing the essence of the sky's awakening. Once the flower heads are open, they develop their delicate sweetness, a key flavor within the Skyland Harvest cuisine. The flower heads close mid-morning until they open again thrice before going into seeding and finally wither at the end of its life cycle before thriving again in the next year.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation


Harvesting the delicate flowers requires great care and timing. The blossoms must be gathered shortly after opening up to ensure peak sweetness and freshness.   Harvesters will typically use specialized enchanted tools to ensure a gentle touch that preserves the fragile nature of the plant and prevents lasting damage to the plant.

Culinary Uses

The flowers are a highly sought-after ingredient in Skyland Harvest cuisine, where they are used in infused syrups for drizzling over desserts, flavoring sauces, and enhancing beverages. In some cases, they are also used as decorational elements on dishes during festivals and feasts.

Medicinal Properties and Uses

Aetherian blossoms are not widely studied for their medicinal properties in a scientific sense, but there are some traditional beliefs about their potential therapeutic properties. They are traditionally used within the ephemeral calm elixir and the renewal tonic.   The ephemeral calm elixir is an infusion that is consumed as a mild tea to alleviate stress.   The renewal tonic is a tincture traditionally used to aid recovery and is said to have rejuvenating effects on the organism.

Flavor Profile

The flavor is a unique combination of delicate sweetness and a hint of citrussy notes. The taste is somewhat elusive, comparable to the early morning mist that blankets the Nebula Isles.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The mystical flower is native to secluded, high-altitude locations like edges of cliffs or in sheltered nooks on the Nebula Isles. Aetherian blossoms are attuned to the energy of the sky, which is why they can often be found where sky essences are most concentrated, and the flowers can bathe within the light of dawn.
Average Height
15 cm
Geographic Distribution


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