Orc Species in Etheria | World Anvil
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Orcs are the largest member of the goblinoid family, closely related to Goblins and Hobgoblins, and the member that live most closely and consistently with other races. Because of this, most fey and humanoid races consider orcs to be particularly affable folk, at least compared to their isolationist and ambulatory cousins. Standing on average around 6' to 7' in height, orcs are tall and powerfully-built kith/outlanders with skin ranging in shade from gray-blue to green and pink to maroon, pointed ears, small though pronounced canines or tusks, catlike eyes, and hair ranging from shades of auburn-brunette to jet-black.   At least since The Draconic Exodus, orcs have maintained a steadfast alliance and typically peaceful relationship with Humans whose creativity, adaptability, ambition, and sheer force of will paired perfectly with orcs' brawn, endurance, and sheer power. Together the two races have established many civilizations, societies, kingdoms, and nations over the millennia, shoring up each other's weaknesses and bolstering each other's strengths. Because of the particularly close historic relationship between orcs and humans, intermarriage and other forms of intermingling are highly common and have now produced an almost wholly blended culture and the most popular kind of Halfling: the half-human half-orc. In fact, at this point, almost all orcs have a bit of human blood in them and almost all humans have a bit of orc.   For many millennia prior to their alliance with humans, orcs were an aggressively militant and nomadic peoples, traveling alongside hobgoblins, raiding and pillaging with communities just as often as they would trade and barter with them. In many ways, their modern hobgoblin cousins, despite living in a new land, have maintained the old ways of life while the orcs have largely left their ancestral practices behind them in Drakkar. Many traditional hobgoblin communities still hold a grudge over the orcs' abandonment of their ancestry in favor of their alliance with humans, perceiving orcs as having chosen laziness and luxury over the virtues of battle and bravery which they once held. In their own way, though, modern Etherian orcs still maintain the same basic values as their ancestors: desire for victory in battle and acts of bravery have found new expression. With civilization has come organized military, duty to hearth and home, competition with friends and rivals alike, all things that orcs have easily been able to translate old values onto today.   In such times long past, orcs were often regarded as an "unclean" and evil race, characterizations which still plague their goblinoid relatives. Such stereotypes are, of course, untrue, and have been since the dawn of civilization. Orcs have always, even as raiding nomads, heavily emphasized hygiene and cleanliness, staying clean and bathing more regularly than most humanoids did and do. The primary reason behind this millennia-spanning cultural obsession was that there was no greater shame than dying of an infection off the battlefield, a belief which orcs still maintain today. Historically, orcish frontline medical care offered by healers and physicians was unmatched in quality and still is today with many orcs in modern-day Etheria at the cutting-edge of medical advancements they make in the name of Amaphoron the Herald of Civilization, patron of medicine. An orc's pride and joy is their tusks and hair, both of which require constant maintenance to look great and lower the risk of disease. This extra attention given to their appearance makes them very appealing, even to other races; the historic infidelity of spouses who run off with their orcish lovers, a phenomenon dating back to the days of Drakkar, seem to be some of the reason for much of the smear campaign spearheaded by spurned partners that once troubled orcs and yet haunts their relatives.

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