Session 2:Return to the carnival..... again? Report in Etharis | World Anvil

Session 2:Return to the carnival..... again?

General Summary

The session begins at the entrance to the Witchlight Carnival, a disparate group of strangers found themselves drawn together by an invisible thread—a shared tragedy that had stolen pieces of their very essence. Mako lost their sense of fashion, Rufus his creativity, Elrond his ability to write, and Nartle his ability to keep secrets.   As they played carnival games, seeking answers, more questions arose. Who was the elusive Kenku causing chaos? What fate befell the missing Hurly and the cub Star? And who had stolen the parts to them.?   Rufus’s luck waned further within the Hall of Illusions, where an undead girl in a pig mask stole his ability to smile. Undeterred, the party split up, each chasing leads. Elrond, riding giant dragonflies, glimpsed a red-cloaked figure pursuing someone. The chase led them to Laila, who had uncovered the Kenku’s identity and restored Candlefoot’s stolen voice.   Laila sensed the same invisible force that bound them all. She and Amaru joined forces, united by shared purpose. Their meeting with carnival owners Mr. Witch and Mr. Light yielded no answers—only misdirection and secrets.   But the bugbear Burly offered a lifeline. He suspected the owners were pawns, manipulated by an unseen hand. To uncover the truth, they needed leverage. Stealing Mr. Witch’s pocket watch or Mr. Light’s weather vane became their desperate plan.   With an hour left until the Witchlight Monarch’s crowning, they gathered prizes, including a magical cupcake granting invisibility. Elrond, invisible, pilfered the pocket watch while Candlefoot distracted Mr. Witch during the Crowning of the Witchlight Monarch. While this was going on Laila was declared the Witchlight Monarch for impoving the mood the most in the carnival. A crown was placed upon her head and she was hosted into the air and paraded around the carnival to cheering, music, confetti, and fireworks and granted the blessing of the monarch.   As the carnival lights dimmed and the last revelers departed, the party reconvened, resolve etched on their faces. Mr. Witch and Mr. Light surrendered to their demands while the party held the pocket watch hostage. Prismeer, they revealed, was the realm where all lost things found refuge, and that their was a portal hidden within the Hall of Illusions that would lead them their. In the dim-lit Hall of Illusions, Mr. Witch and Mr. Light guided them to a mirror—an ancient gateway. Their words echoed: “Everything you seek and more lies beyond this mirror. If you mean to step through, then stand in front of the glass and repeat this rhyme: ‘Hither, thither, here and there; wander yonder, show me where." Mist swirled, veiling their reflections.   One by one, they stepped into the mirror’s swirling mist, their bodies dissolving into possibility. Elrond lingered, the final traveler. The owner's spoke cryptic words to him “Mind the rule of three: future, present, past. Find the alicorn and free the dormant queen at last.” With a deep breath, Elrond crossed the threshold, leaving behind the familiar and stepping into a world where forgotten fragments danced.

Missions/Quests Completed

A Silent Friend
Report Date
18 May 2024
Primary Location
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