The Watchers of the Faithful Organization in Etharis | World Anvil
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The Watchers of the Faithful

“Those of great faith shall never perish, but will gain the keys to Paradise.”
After the loss of the gods, many of their goodaligned clerics rallied to the remaining Arch Seraphs in order to hold the fabric of their society together.
Throwing their faith behind the Seraphs, the major churches reformed into a large organisation known as The Watchers of the Faithful. Composed of priests and paladins, the Watchers have dedicated themselves to preserving the old faiths in this new form.
The Watchers are a comparatively young faction, but are highly organised and zealous in the pursuit of their goals. They follow what they call the Eternal Dogma: revere the Arch Seraphs, follow their laws as handed down by the High Priest, and destroy all that is unholy and evil in their sight—through any means necessary.
The Watchers are composed of six sects, each one following their particular Arch Seraph. Each elects a High Priest to rule the sect, with the most populous sect having the greatest weight in votes. The current High Priest, Nola Cirdanal, is a follower of Empyreus. Her uncompromising stance has put the Watchers on the path to war against several factions that have fallen afoul of the Eternal Dogma.
The Watchers have instigated various inquisitions across the continent in an effort to stamp out all that is, in Cirdanal's words, “corrupt, heretical, iniquitous, or displeasing to the eyes of Heaven.”
They have pursued the Augustine Trading Company for its efforts at weaponising monsters, the Soma nobility for falling to vampirism, and the Valikan tribes for worshipping elementals. To the shock of those in power, their attacks have often found support among the citizens.
Thousands flocked to the Watchers, with many going on pilgrimages to Castinella, and money continues to flow into the coffers of the Grand Temple.

Headquarters: Toletum

Religious, Holy Order


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