Order of Dawn Organization in Etharis | World Anvil
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Order of Dawn

The Order of Dawn

When the Crimson Court was established, a number of Somans fled their vampire overlords and settled in the sympathetic fledgling republic of Raevo. These dissidents settled in a fort outside of Castalore, where they formed a militia fully committed to the destruction of the undead and the liberation of Soma. Thus, was the Order of Dawn formed. To call the Order fanatics would not be out of line. From childhood, each member is taught to hate the undead. Every such monster has been studied and dissected; their weaknesses carefully catalogued. While few in number, each member of the Order is trained and battle-ready. They are prepared to give their lives for their cause, and no vampire can expect mercy from them. Currently, the Order is led by General Artemios Dulka, a Soman noble who abdicated his title to escape the vampire curse. In retaliation, the vampires massacred the entirety of his family that remained in Soma. A good man at heart, Dulka is driven by hatred towards the Soman Aristocracy and will stop at nothing to destroy the undead. He will attack any vampire on sight.  
The Brothers Part 1 Smoke rose into the night as two brothers fled the burning village of Kolyat. They ran as fast as their feet could carry them, stopping after hiding themselves in the brush. Only then did they look back. The sparks from their home lit up the darkness, a mockery of shooting stars. Screams and inhuman growls drifted toward them, warning them that the danger hadn’t passed. Mischa touched his elder brother’s shoulder. “Laszlo? Are Papa and Mama...?” Laszlo hid his face in his hands. “I-I’m sorry, Mischa,” he sobbed. “I’m sorry. I wanted to go b-back, but Papa ordered me to keep you safe.” Mischa had rarely seen his brother weep. Laszlo was the strong one, the one their parents relied on, who drove the bullies away. Yet now, he was broken. They both were. Count Branimir. The name lit a dark flame in Mishca’s mind. Their father had refused the Count’s offer to buy their land for a tenth of its value. More, their father convinced the entire village not to sell. For their defiance, the Count’s vampires extracted a terrible price. Mischa held his brother tightly. “Branimir will pay,” he whispered, tracing a symbol over his heart. “By Lady Vengeance’s name, I swear: we will make him pay.” They gathered themselves and stumbled toward the road. Raevo lay 80 miles away. To be Continued...
"The Brothers Part 2 “Are you sure about this, Mischa?” Now sixteen years old, Mischa stood with his brother on the Castalore pier, near the boat that would bear Mischa away to an island across the sea. There, in the Ravencourt Sanctuary, he would train to be a mage. “Yes, I’m sure,” Mischa said. “Remember our vow?” Laszlo regarded him sadly. His elder brother had inherited their father’s eyes; it was as if Papa was looking at him, urging him on his mission. “I remember,” Laszlo finally said. “What about you? Are you sure about joining the Order?” Laszlo nodded. “They have the strength of arms and training I need if I’m to help our country.” He paused. “Their fort is just a few miles outside of Castalore. You could visit, if you like.” Smiling, Mischa shook his head. “We both know I can’t leave the Sanctuary for several years, brother. We won’t see each other for a long time.” Laszlo’s shoulders dropped, then he looked up again, smiling. “That won’t mean we won’t be together again. You’re my only family, Mischa. I’ll find you, no matter what. ” Mischa moved to embrace him. “I love you, brother. Till we meet again.” To be Continued..."
General Artemios Dulka


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