Delan'ke Tradition / Ritual in Eternia | World Anvil
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Hey ! I wasn't aware of that ! And you accepted ? Dishonorable ! But, if you're sincere, well... I suppose I accept. You could have just said it, however, you brute.
A Naga mage after being tricked into Delan'ke

Tradition of Romance

Named after a strange fruit found in the forest of Markos, the Delan'ke is a common Markosian ritual. When two people loving each other share a meal and the specific conditions are filled, the ritual of Delan'ke reveals their love for one another. This led to some surprises but is a very respected tradition in Markos, although seen as weird in other places.


When a lover wants to declare his love for another, he does the Delan'ke. This ritual consists of a three-course meal for the two, named the Aspirant and the Loved, and at least three other friends, as it is a sign of love, but also friendship. The first meal is what would be classically served, although it often incorporates meat. The cook in charge of the meal tries to make a nice presentation, even going as far as incorporating eatable quartz dust or gold sprinkles.

During the second meal, this is where tension and excitation start to rise between participants. The meal is left at the appreciation of the Loved, but always contains wine or beer for the less fortunate. A kind of bull breed specifically for this purpose is killed, and the tender meat is presented in a sort of flower motif. If a mage is available and willing, he can use his magic to alter the taste.

At the final meal, dessert is served with a Delan'ke on the side, and this is where the ceremony begins. The Aspirant has to eat the Delan'ke and declare his love for his significant other before inviting the other to eat theirs. If they don't, that means that the Loved refuses the love of the Aspirant. But if the Loved eats the fruit, then this means that she agrees to become the Aspirant's Shayern.


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