Geometrid Classifications in Etagard | World Anvil
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Geometrid Classifications

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In contrast to their mysterious origins, information describing geometrids exists in abundance, with records going into great detail on their size, appearance, and even natural function within the wider universe. These records were likely brought or copied directly from sources originating from Evermore, based on the advanced level of understanding they imply. The following classifications describe geometrids as they would be found or created.   [1. Add image here]  


Though there is a minimum size for a geometrid to even be considered a geometrid, there appears to be no upper limit, barring perhaps the limitations of the multiverse itself. Sizes are broken into tiers, starting I-X (1-10), followed by "comet" tier, "nebula" tier, and the most vast of all, "eternal" tier. The "eternal" tier is described as having never been recorded, therefore it can be assumed that its existence is theoretical, but unproven. With Etagardians and Paradisians lacking the context the interstellar Evermorans possessed, it is difficult to pursue evidence to prove or disprove the theory. Tiers are described as follows:  
Tier Description
I-V Ranging from the length of a football to the size of a car, these tiers most often take standard forms, with a compact mass presentation.
VI-X Ranging from the size of a semi truck to the height of a three story building, these tiers most often take standard or abstract forms, with compact, uniform, or tandem mass presentations.
Comet These geometrids are massive in size, and some may even exceed the circumference of the planet; this tier most often takes an abstract or superfluous form, with uniform, entropy, or polyform mass presentations.
Nebula These geometrids dominate whole swaths of galaxies, and some may even protrude into other planes of existence; this tier most often takes a superfluous form, with an entropy mass presentation.
Eternal These geometrids are so enormous, they escape the bounds of a singular plane of reality, and touch all possible universes; this tier has never been recorded, and so its form and mass tendencies are unknown.


By all accounts, geometrids can appear in many different ways, some exemplifying the polygonal appearance that gave them their name, others breaking convention with organic shapes, and some even expressing fluidity in their bodies. Naturally spawned geometrids, according to sources, tend towards forms alien to most people, whereas those created or influenced by humans often possess familiar features recognizable as animals or everyday objects. It should be noted that form classifications relate only to the visible expression of the geometrid's body, and does not include potentially invisible mass.  
Classification Description
Standard These geometrids conform to polyhedra forms such as cubes, tetrahedrons, prisms, et cetera. A standard form geometrid does not typically manifest any energy shells, and is usually comprised of a singular body.
Abstract A geometrid classified as "Abstract" does not conform to any standard form, and may combine polyhedra with organic shapes. Abstract form geometrids can manifest energy shells, and/or be comprised of one or more component parts.
Superfluous Instead of conforming to a single solid shape, geometrids in this form classification exist as a flowing mass, either fluid or gaseous. Superfluous form geometrids most often appear as a unified entity, but may also manifest free flowing energy masses.
Composite As the name implies, this is a geometrid presenting the characteristics of two or more classifications, or one that can shift from one form into another. Because of this, composite form geometrids can manifest matter/energy in any way.


Geometrids are made up of a material called Geometrite, which can exist in several states; commonly, it manifests as a solid or semi-solid mass, expressed as one of the above four forms, but invisible to the naked eye, this matter can appear as pure energy surrounding or otherwise attached to a geometrid's core body. Not every geometrid possesses this additional layer, but those that do can be classified in a variety of ways.  
Classification Description
Compact This geometrid is a solid or semi-solid mass, with no matter present as energy in any form. Can include superfluous form and potentially composite form geometrids.
Uniform Similar to the compact geometrid, it has a solid or semi-solid mass at its core, but this is surrounded by contained shells or rings of matter in the form of energy. Also includes superfluous form and, more commonly than compact, composite form geometrids.
Entropy More common to superfluous geometrids but still present in other forms, geometrids with the entropy matter classification can be partially composed or surrounded by non-uniform masses of energy, freely flowing around the geometrid's core.
Tandem These geometrids are essentially a compact geometrid broken into two pieces; they are a single entity divided into a pair of individual masses of solid or semi-solid matter, but bear no expressions of pure energy. The classification includes all form classifications for geometrids.
Polyform Exactly like tandem geometrids, only the entity is divided into three or more individual masses of solid or semi-solid matter, and no expressions of pure energy. All form classifications can manifest matter in this way.
Complex Comparable to the composite form classification in that it is a combination of two or more different matter expressions, barring the uniform classification, as it specifically refers to a geometrid with a single mass and no pure energy expressions. Many composite form geometrids also express complex matter distribution.


In records, Catalyst II is described as a "scout", a function classification relevant only to naturally spawned geometrids. Gemini, a geometrid spawned intentionally by a person, was considered an artificial geometrid, one that serves the purpose of another as opposed to the Colossal Plane or other geometrids. These function classifications have little bearing on the geometrids of Etagard, yet the information has been preserved.  
Classification Description
Scout Among the larger geometrids, these scouts specialize in long distance travel. They locate suitable locations for the Colossal Plane to spawn new geometrids, forming what's called a "cloud colony".
Rogue Typically, rogues are higher tier geometrids which no longer harmonize with their "home cloud". Described as volatile, dissonant, and solitary, they drift through empty space with little directive or purpose.
Aberrant These geometrids tend to be high tier and express more unique traits and abilities; they are spawned by the Colossal Plane in response to rogue geometrids or dissonant threats in order to protect the cloud colony.
Nucleoid The most common naturally spawned geometrid, nucleoids populate cloud colonies and are protected by aberrant geometrids. They tend to be passive, and are described as "merely [existing] for the sake of existence".
Artificial As they are created by people with a specific purpose in mind, artificial geometrids can express any combination of tier, form, and matter classifications. They are said to be bonded with their creator, and intrinsically harmonize with their creator's resonance.


The planet-natives, beast and man alike, all shared a unique and curious trait: all possessed resonance, that defining characteristic of the geometrids. This made adapting to the sudden arrival of Catalyst II easier, as they did not experience the ill effects of resonant energy exposure.
Perhaps the strangest and least understood characteristic of geometrids is their "resonance", an intrinsic part of their identity that determines nearly every factor of their existence, from what they do to where they can go. Records state that resonance "originates from the Colossal Plane and the geometrids it spawns", and describes it as almost a kind of energy or radiation that other objects and entities can absorb and become "saturated" with. Inanimate objects, such as stone, this saturation can increse or decrease based on exposure to a source of resonant energy, like a geometrid. When the source is removed and the exposure stops, the resonant energy absorbed by the object eventually dissipates until it is gone completely. Geometrids constantly emit this resonant energy, and are therefore a source, not capable of having a saturation level themselves. Though humans, objects, and even places can become resonant due to exposure and saturation, geometrids are the most common resonant entities in the universe. Wherever resonant energy is found in the environment or in other objects, entities, or places, the source of that energy is invariably one or more geometrids.   [2. Add image here]  

The Frequency Spectrum

Resonance is so called because of vibrations associated with it. Resonant energy comes in a spectrum of vibration frequencies, and each interacts with the environment, entities, and other frequencies in different ways. The spectrum scale itself is often represented as a circle or compass instead of a straight line, as the opposing frequencies on the extreme ends of the scale of a special interaction called dissonance. Dissonance can be described as an inconsistent frequency that rapidly cycles between the two extremes.   Individual frequencies are rarely a hundred percent consistent, and most frequencies have a degree of "wobble" within a contained range, though this inconsistency is based on the stability of that specific frequency. The stability of a frequency affects how easily a resonant object's or entity's frequency may be changed, or to use the specific term, "tuned". When two resonant entities come into range with one another, meaning that their resonant energy output meets, the stronger of the two will adjust, or tune, the frequency of the other; this ensures harmony between the two, and prevents dissonance.  

Stability Types

There are three classifications for the "wobble" observed in resonance frequencies, or in other words, the the consistent range of specific frequencies a resonant entity or object exhibits. Most geometrids in cloud colonies, or extremely high tier solitary geometrids, have no variation at all, but it is extremely common for non-geometrid entities to experience some level of variation, even if it's over the course of a long period of time.  
Name Description
Stable A frequency that remains consistent and has no variation is a stable frequency. Changing a stable frequency would require a large amount of resonant energy, and could only be accomplished by resonant beings with a high saturation, or an entity that is a source of resonant energy, such as a geometrid.
Flux A frequency that "ticks" rapidly between frequencies within a small range is a flux frequency. It would take considerably less energy to shift a flux frequency than is required for a stable frequency, but still more than an unstable frequency might need.
Unstable A frequency that shifts dramatically between frequencies in a wider range within a relatively short period of time is unstable. Exposure to other frequencies and very little resonant energy would be required to make changes to this frequency.

Frequency Types

Resonance frequency refers to a kind of tempo signature unique to every resonant entity, that might be faster or slower depending on the individual. While specific arrangements of resonance frequencies create harmony within a group of resonant entities, other arrangements can clash and cause dissonance. Geometrids naturally seek an equilibrium, creating harmony within their colonies by adjusting their own or others' resonance frequency to coexist. Dissonance, the opposite of resonance, can destroy resonant entities if left unchecked.  
Frequency Description
Absolute Harmony This frequency is actually a network of harmonized frequencies, and is exclusive to stable geometrid colonies, and individual polyform geometrids.
Perfect Median A frequency set dead center between high and low. Entities with perfect median resonance will always have a stable frequency.
Median A frequency that lies within a small margin between high frequency and low frequency. Entities with median frequency tend to be stable, but in rare cases a flux median frequency may cause the entity to occasionally stray into the perfect resonance zone.
Median High An on-average higher frequency than median. Entities with median high resonance are more often than not stable, but flux frequencies are not uncommon either.
Median Low An on-average lower frequency than median. Entities with median low resonance are more often than not stable, but flux frequencies are not uncommon either.
High A frequency denoted by a rapid pace in vibration. Entities with high frequency resonance are more likely to have a flux or unstable frequency, with a wider range of variation still remaining above the median range.
Low A frequency denoted by a sluggish pace in vibration. Entities with low frequency resonance are more likely to have a flux or unstable frequency, with a wider range of variation still remaining below the median range.
Extreme High An extremely rapid vibration frequency. Entities in the extreme high range are typically unstable, though spikes keep them well above the median high range on average.
Extreme Low An extremely sluggish vibration frequency. Entities in the extreme low range are typically unstable, though drops keep the entity well below the median low range on average.
Dissonant Technically not a distinct frequency, dissonance is an anomalous flux frequency between the extreme high and the extreme low ranges. Dissonant entities experience a rapid cycling between the two extremes, disrupting the harmony of other resonant entities.

Unique Resonant Identities

Absolute harmony, perfect median, and Dissonance all have additional connotations or effects to be expanded upon. The first is only found among geometrids, specifically large groups, and describes not the frequency of an individual, but of the entire cloud. The exact range of frequencies may shift and change, but balance is always maintained. Humans and non-geometrid resonant entities cannot exhibit this resonance frequency. The other two, perfect median and dissonance, can be found in humans, as well as other resonant entities, but in humans they have unique side effects. Perfect median resonance affects a person's perception and senses, allowing them to see resonant fields visually. Dissonance, though technically a flux frequency between the two extremes, remains in a tight enough margin to classify as its own resonant identity. Dissonant people and entities can disrupt other geometrids' resonant frequencies, by messing with with their tendency to adjust their own frequencies based on frequencies around them. Dissonance lacks consistency, and thus when a geometrid reads the frequencies around them, it tries to register both the extreme high and extreme low cycles of the dissonant entity, but in doing so its own rhythm is destroyed.






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