Kaheb Organization in Etacre | World Anvil



Created by the annexation of Kaheb-Ma settlements along the Upper (southern) Iteru River by the Pharaoh of Deshret around 2800 SE. The battles between the Deshreti armies and the Kaheb-Ma tribesmen were violent and costly for both sides. When the dust settled, Deshret was dominant. The Kaheb-Ma would be enslaved for centuries. It was following the defeat of Istun and the legendary death of the Pharaoh Sethharkha that Deshreti occupation ended.

As the Pharaonic Dynasty's dominance of the Upper Iteru waned, the Kaheb-Ma tribes unified as a singular power of their own. Relations between the two regions would become stable over time with successive battles between these two countries often coming to a stalemate. As of 3120 SE the Kingdom of Kaheb was flourishing along the Upper Iteru.

Under the command of First Kahebi Pharaoh Tafa-Ye they would turn the tables on their former enslavers. This occupation of Deshret wouldn't last long, after only two Pharaohs reigned. Invasions from Selonia, Emidonia and native Deshreti rebellious forces would force the Kahebi occupation forces to retreat to their own capital of Ahkmis. Over the last 400 years, tensions between the two countries remaind in a constant highetend state though neither has the wealth to engage in a new war.


The Kahebi people of any race are far and away more likely to be devoted to the Neteric Pantheon (the deities of Deshreti humans). The Kaheb-Ma were shamanic people before the arrival of the Deshreti humans, but they took to the Lion headed deities with which they were presented. At times in history, the deities Arensnuphis, Apedemak and Bastet were lesser than the more human deities. In the current day, these deities are favored by the locals over their human counterparts.

Agriculture & Industry

Though the Kaheb-Ma don't consume grain regularly, the other inhabitants of Kaheb grow Emmer wheat, chickpeas, lentils, lettuce, onions, garlic, sesame, corn, barley, papyrus, flax, the castor oil plant and fairly recently introduced the Opium poppy.

Meat being the primary diet of the Kaheb-Ma and Ahkom, ranching medium-size dinosaurs is a large industry. Smaller dinosaurs, such as Leaellynasaurs and Gallimimus are the most commonly kept on ranches. Ceratopsians, Ankylosaurs and Nodosaurs are usually kept as beasts of burden as their meat is greasy and unpleasant. Small mammals, namely goats, have been kept for millenia having been introduced with the first human immigrants.

Fruit such as figs, dates, plums and melons are gown seasonally on smaller plantations. Some industrious people have started beekeeping, as honey has long been a valuable commodity. Wild groves of pomegranates and jujubes are cultivated by roving families of Wugui.

Trade & Transport

The majority of trade is done via river travel, and has been for millennia. Larger caravans, typically lead by teams of larger dinosaurs, travel the long roads between major cities. These caravans make routine seasonal trips , some of which even cross the desert to Emidonia and Selonia.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Theocratic
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

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