The Pigeon Fidgeter Geographic Location in Estmara | World Anvil
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The Pigeon Fidgeter

The entrance to this Inn is on the edge of the warehouse district in Royal naval outpost and is a plain looking door on a warehouse wall with the image of a pigeon on it. The door is a dimensional door of sorts and leads into the main Inn room. No one is exactly sure where the main room is but as the inside of the warehouse is as one would imagine a warehouse looking its certainly not there.<br>   An extremely eccentric design, the main inn room bends on weird angles and the rooms seemingly join onto it at random places. <br>   It is Run by a middle age human woman Wetorn Ulvaneth who is a druid witch with a hatred for symmetry.<br>   Rooms are 10 silver to 49 silver a night, the rooms sleep 4 people in four beds or 8 people in eight beds, seemingly at random, and each room has an attached bathing room regardless of what the room is.<br>
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