Human Species in Estmara | World Anvil
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Biologically, humans are still in a primitive, furred stage with constant emission through their dermal encasement sac (aka 'skin') of gaseous and liquid wastes that are toxic to self and to other humans unless proper space is available - a very messy and unsanitary species to be around. Note: a significant human social effort and giving up of possessions is involved in the often intricate cultural ritual and apparatus of dermal cleansing humans call, 'bathing', which is essentially immersing themselves in a terrible hydride chemical fluid they call 'water' which however is the same fluid environment that nurtured them in their early biological history before they adopted their current shape.

Humans suffer extreme protective anxiety over food and food symbols such as personally 'owned' trinkets (material objects of value), opposite sex (reward symbolism) or trinkets of others. Humans can ingest almost any other bio-species on their planet to obtain energy for movement and thought. Additionally, Humans are primitive to the point of even engaging in cannibalism when normative 'food' is scarce.

Endless possibilities stretch out in front of you; you are vanilla, basic, standard, and normal. It’s not as bad as it sounds, you have no penalties, no automatic disadvantages, and you can calculate your skills much easier than other races can because of that.
The world is truly your oyster...

Oh yeah... and you’re the only race that can pick two class’s :) enjoy.

^^^^ may be changed^^^^^

Can speak common and one other language of choice.
Scientific Name
Homo Sapiens


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