"Age of darkness" A report by Silar Drass. in Estmara | World Anvil
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"Age of darkness" A report by Silar Drass.

The age of darkness is only known about due to it being referenced by works from the Age of Strife . It is believed to have been a dangerous time of wild magic and huge beasts.

  What little is known is that the elves and the Dwarves existed during this time and were actively in conflict and lived on the same continent. As they no longer live on the same Continent it is unknown which side won and which side had to move but as both sides still exist they obviously didn't wipe each other out.

  Dragons were also known to exist during this time and although they didn't exert the same power as during the Age Of Dragons they are known to have held areas and in some cases towns/villages of people of varying races.

  This age was also very dark apparently, it has not been revealed why, but the limited information available speaks of days and sometimes weeks of darkness at a time causing crops to fail and the temperature to drop unnaturally low.

  The Glitter Beasts that now are known to live atop certain mountain ranges in Estmara and the Gnomish land of Laterra Migore are known to exist from this time in a fragment of an ancient text by an unknown author where it mentions (by best translation)

  "Monsters from ages past who's hard scaled hide sparkled in the light but hid in the darkness, ---------*unreadable*--------- scuttled like a spider but clicked like a bat when ---------*unreadable*--------- front arm like claws that could pierce plate armor but folded flat against the body to ---------*unreadable*--------- roamed the streets at night hunting for food ---------*unreadable*--------- of the many names they ----------*unreadable*--------- Glitter beast."

  It is believed that in this age they roamed the lower regions of the land and indeed according to this fragment (as long as the translation is correct) they walked the streets of towns looking for prey. I could guess at no reason as to why they would do this, or why the town guard would let them unless the glitter beasts at the time were different than they are today. Perhaps the glitter beasts of this time keep other more dangerous monsters at bay. Also Glitter beasts aren't nocturnal and feed when ever food is available, in current times on mountains this is usually at dawn or dusk not particularly at night.
But I digress that is something for another work.

  Where it references "Ages Past" its written as in more than one age, so there must be times before the age of darkness, thou this being the only slight reference to them apart from the age of darkness there is really nothing to write about.

  [Authors note]
Unfortunately almost nothing exists from this time, indeed entire continents referenced to exist during the age of darkness don't seem to exist now and no other references to those places exist in any other age.

  The reader will have to make up his or her own mind about this age as very little exists at all to go from, some researchers even think it didn't actually exist or shouldn't be referred to as a separate age and just be called "the beginning" but I believe that limits history records far to much as there must have been much more than that in the past that we just don't know about yet, all the races and indeed the world simply wouldn't have just popped into existence by chance.

  There must be so much that we don't know about and hidden somewhere is lost records that would answer so many questions, the author just hopes that they are found in his lifetime and answer more question than they create.

  May your search for knowledge be fruitful
Silar Drass...
Research Master at the Asmaron School of Research (ASR).


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