Elrad "Mako" Buckley Character in Estia | World Anvil

Elrad "Mako" Buckley

Elrad fled his hometown of Leingtle in Riketardyr to seek adventure and treasure. He had heard many stories from sailors that had come to town to rest. Tales of navigating stormy seas, naval combat with sea monsters, buried treasure, and famous pirates. He knew them all very well. His parents wanted him to work in the family pottery business, but he wanted more out of life.   When he fled, he snuck onto a ship where he was later found. Instead of being turned in, Elrad talked his way into working for the captain. His name was Captain Raymond "Trickster" Mabbott. At first he just did grunt work, but through the years he was able to make it to first mate. Everyone on The Howling North was fine with this except for Eamon Loom who made it is job to try and ruin him. It nearly worked except that Captain Raymond caught on to what was happening and put a stop to it. He left Eamon on a small island with only a pistol and sailed away assuming that he would certainly die there.   Elrad had seen so many things and learned even more. He had become quite handy with a sword and his words. If he couldn't get out of a situation with one, he used the other. He helped his captain and mentor become pretty rich. Captain Raymond told Elrad that he should get his own ship to see more for he was going to find an island and live out the rest of his days there.   Elrad thanked Captain Raymond for all of the adventures and lessons. They parted ways and Elrad bought a ship and crew with some money from the captain. He decided to call her The Loyal Secret and set sail looking for new adventures. A few months into his voyage, a wicked storm came up quick and sank his ship and most of the crew. Elrad made it to a nearby shore where he would spend the next few months recovering on this new land and looking for a new adventure.


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