Black Rock Settlement in Estia | World Anvil

Black Rock

Black Rock is a volcanic island, infamous as home to a good many pirate crews. The only way for newcomers to find their way to Black Rock is to have been a part of a pirate crew who visited. But once you're in, the whole of what the steaming volcanic island has to offer is yours for the plundering.  

The Steeple

In true mockery fashion, the peak of the volcanic mountain is called the steeple. There's only a single trail that leads up the steep inclines safely to a calmly bubbling lava-filled caldera. One can only imagine what happens to or by those who make the trek as there is a firm rule of no questions asked in reference to what happens on or up the trail.  

The Shanty

Black Rock is a bit of a misnomer, as there are really 3 black rocks. The middle-sized one is called the Shanty and is home to those who live permanently on the island, connected to the main island by a few boardwalks. The Shanty is much like a slum, no one on Black Rock lives truly rich but accept the sacrifice for the freedom it gives. Many in the Shanty do business with pirates and visitors to the island and each has many a story to tell.  

The Choke

The far side of the mountain is a bit cooler and is host to several mines that produce the key ingredients for boomsticks. Known as black powder or blasting powder, the explosive substance is mined with great care, as a single spark could theoretical set the whole mountain in motion...  

The Dock

The main island has only one major dock area, as many mistrusting pirates prefer to anchor their boats further out and use smaller vessels to reach the island. The Dock hosts most of the shop, taverns & inns and crafters on the island, allowing for some of the most fantastic trade there is in all of Estia.  

The Baths

Hot springs mixed with fertile soil creates one of the most relaxing and unique experiences available to those who aren't used to luxury. The mudbaths on the flat side of the island are a nice place to heal some old wounds and get yourself feeling refreshed again, although beware what you say to others in this area. There's been more than one mud-covered pecker lost here over a misplaced word.  

The Cursed Isle

The third and smallest island of the three is the Cused Isle, home to many ancient ruins. However there are many mysterious stories swirling about the island and what secrets its ruins may hold, and even talks of treasure! The Cursed Isle was one of the reasons Black Rock was founded as a pirate outpost, but it begs the question: with so many booty-loving pirates nearby, why hasn't the treasure been claimed yet?
Outpost / Base


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