Revo's Shore Geographic Location in Estemor | World Anvil
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Revo's Shore

A partially submerged island near the waters where Imperial and Republic territory meets.   The isle takes its name from its purported founder, a legendary pirate in the days before the Empire of Amertus was formed. Even after the island was seized by Amertus' loyal soldiers, Revo's subordinates continued to terrorize the coast for decades afterwards.   Because most of the usable landmass shrinks based on the amount of rainfall, Revo's Shore holds limited value to the Empire, containing only a handful of fishing villages and trade posts. Much of the population is ethnically Karelian. but the territory remains with the Empire as its residents were largely uninvolved in the War of Shackles.   Mainlanders still associate the island with thievery, Legends persist that Revo's hoard of treasure lies hidden within the isle's caverns, though such a horde would be roughly 2,000 years old if it existed.
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