Strait of Treachery Geographic Location in Estaphalia | World Anvil
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Strait of Treachery

The channel of water that separates Pikrim and Freunheim. All maritime traffic sailing north or south along the coast must pass this way, or else risk sailing the long way around Fallow Isle. The latter is rarely preferable, as Freunheim considers all ships not within the trait to be fair game for their pirate activities, and there are tales of monsters of the Deep residing on the far side of the island.


The Strait is filled with salt water, connecting to the Sea of Tears to the south. The coast of Fallow Isle is infamously treacherous, with jagged rocks and shallows threatening to founder any ships that venture too close. Freundheim mans a network of lighthouses along its coast, but only activates them upon direct order of a commodore or another respected figure.

Fauna & Flora

Predators: Sharks, barracudas, and eels are common sights in the Strait. Shipwreck survivors in open water usually don't last long if any of these creatures are in the vicinity.
Water fowl: Gulls and pelicans roost in the cliff rocks on both coasts.
Aquatic forests: Seaweed and kelp grow very thick in the Strait. These "forests" have been known to disorient divers, while providing perfect cover for predatory creatures.

Natural Resources

Fishing: both Deep and shallow-dwelling fish can be found here in abundance.
Tidal pools: At low tide, the rocks along the Fallow Shore retain water and sea creatures until the tides rise again. Among these are clams, oysters, and crabs which make an easy meal for the wayfaring Revenant.
Alternative Name(s)
The Strait
Owning Organization
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