Pikrim Organization in Estaphalia | World Anvil
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In peace, one is despoilt by mercenaries. In war... also by mercenaries. Pikrim boasts being the only entity on the mainland with a standing army for hire, and a navy to boot. While often underequipped, the training of a Pikrim sellsword more than closes the gap in open and guerrilla conflict. The city-state's many companies and their commanders have learned how to win even in the most dire of situations, though the methods of doing so are sometimes... distasteful. To Pikrim victory and survival are one in the same, and there is no price too high to pay for either.


Militaristic oligarchy   High Protector- chosen by company commanders as head of state, but only has direct control over the Sentinels
War Council- commanders gather to take collective action; each commander holds a number of "swords," a number representing the full value of their military assets; commanders with more "swords" hold more influence
Commanders- where the true power lies, each can have any of a number of titles (self-bestowed each owns the contract for a number of soldiers and/or ships, the value of which determines the amount of influence they have in the Council
Sentinels- elite guards loyal to the High Protector, and the only party authorized to enforce law against Piktish citizens
Cabinet- civilian advisors to the High Protector, representing agriculture, trade, etc.; hold no authority of their o   Companies are expected to not fight one another

Public Agenda

Sustain economy though mercenary and privateer work; attempt to maintain positive repute among potential employers. If this is not enough... improvise in order to survive.


Militaristic Superior training Mercenary reputation Contested naval superiority over Strait


The sordid history of Pikrim starts before its actual establishment. In 2 AFL when the original Piktish Wanderlusts arrived, the group of humans were beset by a chain of bad fortune. A storm sank a quarter of the fleet, wild animals raided the food stores, and they even had an unfortunate run-in with a cave troll as they searched for a place to call home. In the face of such losses and failures, the group despaired and argued over whether it was possible to return home- although they all knew wasn't.   After days of isolation, starvation and exposure another group of Wanderlusts happened upon them. These settlers had far better luck than the Pikts, and in the spirit of generosity they offered to share their bounty and help them get back on their feet. The sick and wounded healed, the starving regained their strength, and things began to look up for the first time. These Wanderlusts offered the remaining Pikts to join their own group in their journey, which the Piktish elders said they'd consider.   The elders secretly convened at night about the seemingly charitable offer. Fearing that the offer was too good to be true and that there must be some catch or trap, they decided that the Pikts' bad luck was going to end once and for all. The following night, the Pikts robbed their saviors of everything- food, water, clothing, even their personal items- and fled into the dark.   Having left the other group for dead, they journeyed on alone and stronger than ever before to where they decided to found Pikrim, on an overlook controlling passage of what would become known as the Strait of Treachery. The Pikts built a shipyard and barracks with which they would begin training future generations in the art of combat. Between 3 and 12 AFL Pikrim flourished and grew. It successfully established a fishing and farming economy that made it virtually self-sufficient, and the Piktish elders began to eagerly seek out other settlements to trade with without fear of their own weakness.   In 13 AFL a pirate fortress across the Strait dubbed Freundheim sprang up and began a campaign of vengeance against the Pikts. This new threat was soon revealed to be none other than the scarred, grizzled survivors of the group that had saved the Pikts in the first place. A war of attrition ensued, which ended with both combatants battered and broken, their seats of power fallen into disrepair and ruin from fighting and neglect. The Piktish elders formed what became the city's first Companies (and hence became their first Commanders), none trusting the others to lead their own soldiers in the fight. A singular leader was selected and declared High Protector. Though intended to coordinate defense of the city, without the authority to command the Companies directly the position quickly became a hollow throne, commanding only a small band of law keepers within Pikrim itself.   Fortiifications have since been erected, artillery embedded, and threats slung between the two parties, though with neither side possessing the power necessary to rid themselves of the other, an unspoken truce reigns in the Strait. Pikrim and Freundheim continue to gather strength- Freundheim to eradicate the Pikts and Pikrim to defend against their assault- leading towards a final showdown that seems to never come. In the meantime, Pikrim is content to hire out their excess of professional soldiers for a variety of assignments, from protection to outright banditry to full scale warfare, and enrich themselves with blood money that they always insist is all for "ultimate survival."

No cost too great

Founding Date
Geopolitical, City-state
Alternative Names
City of Daggers
Pikt (s), Pikts (pl), Piktish (adj)
Related Ranks & Titles
Neighboring Nations

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