Altzmyr Organization in Essairoth | World Anvil
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Alignment. Neutral Good
Domains. Knowledge, Life, Undeath
Divine Rank. Lesser Deity
  Aliases: The Phoenix God, The Holy Necromancer, Savior of the Restless Dead, The Sacred Bone God, The Whisperer of the Undead.   Other common symbols: Flower crowns and wreaths consisting of varieties of Helichrysum, daffodil and Queen Anne's Lace, skeletal phoenixes, grave lanterns, images of Altzmyr himself slaying powerful undead tyrants.   Altzmyr is the god of non-evil undead. He is charged with protecting them from evil and the overzealous. He teaches that undead are people, not monsters to be slain on sight. He was once a mortal who sought immortality and banded non-evil undead together, until the gods decided to brutally slaughter him, in which he rose as a god.   Altzmyr appears as a serene, youthful half-elf male with pale greenish skin, violet eyes, and long black hair. He wears flowing white and purple robes, a flower crown of the flowers his temple favors, and mummy bandages on his legs. His body below his chest is charred, blackened skeleton. From his back are a pair of skeletal phoenix wings that continuously burn. A lunar halo softly shines behind his head.       Altzmyr's Dogma The living, please respect the restless dead, they are people like yourselves who deserve dignity. One should not force the afterlife or the “peace of death” upon those who wish to linger. Only fight those undead who wish harm upon you. Soothe those who are mired in the agony to give them their clarity and free will back. Restore free will to the undead, do not enslave undead or force souls to be raised.   The undead, do not enslave other undead, do not force souls to be raised, do not rob free will from the dead. Seek out ways to sate the curse of your hunger if you have one that do as little harm as possible. Use your extended time to do that which your mortal life was to small for you, or that which was barred from you in life. You are not unnatural abominations, you are people and deserving of dignity.   The destruction of souls is the most abhorrent evil, any living or undead who do such a thing without seeking alternatives if they are cursed into it are to be stopped, if they continue their evil ways, they must be exterminated.   Oppose gods and demon lords who contest that the undead should be evil servants or crimes against natural order. Those of you who are undead must not slip into their fallacies, be good people and show the truth of undeath.   The followers of Altzmyr Altzmyr’s followers span a wide variety of undead, necromancers, aspiring undead, and those who work closely with undead. Most are undead who had been risen against their will by evil necromancers but once freed choose to remain undead and continue doing good in the world. Many are also undead who did not agree with the status quo of many of their kind who often did the enslaving, among them are non-evil liches and vampires who retained a conscious. Many are also those who rose themselves out of sheer will and a grave(pun intended) desire to complete a task or protect descendants in peril. A subset are also those who wish to preserve themselves for coming ages so that knowledge of the past does not become forgotten, so that terrible mistakes in history do not repeat themselves. A growing number are necromancers who are known as “sacred necromancers”, and are dedicated to the lost tradition of necromancy involved in working with and communicating with undead rather than enslaving the undead.   A more recent trend has been mortals pledging their souls to Altzmyr, so that they can rise as undead after their time as passed, or if they are impatient, as an alternative to resurrection, or if they are even more impatient, they consider becoming a necropolitan.
Religious, Pantheon

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