Sylvan Trials Tradition / Ritual in Espen | World Anvil

Sylvan Trials


Hosted atop the Briarwraith Terrace, the Sylvan Trials are the only event in the T.E.C.S. hosted by the Elvish Union. They initially held stiff objections to the idea of martial combat as they found the tradition to not only be archaic but also barbaric. It wasnt until the most recent council of Elders amended they basis of the competition that the Sylvan Trials became a regular staple of the combat series.   This newest addition to the series adds environmental hazards such as the Vinelasher Kudzu, Thickthorn trees, and Banebrush Bushes. Each of these bare its own specific dangers to competitors. The competition grounds are lush, and in some places overgrown forest, which makes spotting another competitor difficult.  

Rules of Engagement

If fighting in amongst poisonous trees and vines were not enough, in keeping with Old Elvish traditions, no metal is allowed on the grounds, leaving the only weapons available as Spears (wooden), Javelins (wooden), Clubs, Slings, Staffs, Whips, Shortbows, and Longbows.   Instead of traditional "rounds" competitors are released onto the terrace in two teams of 8. The round concludes once all members of one team of 8 have been rendered unable to fight. In the next round, the remaining competitors are separated into two teams of 4, and so on until only two are remaining.


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