Illusory Script Contractors Building / Landmark in Espen | World Anvil

Illusory Script Contractors

History & Lore

Conceptualized as a response to interaction with human diplomats but not officially formalized until nearly 1000 years later during the Gnome Tome Riots, the Illusory Script Contractors (ISC) is a group of gnomes who specialize in the codification and enforcement of contracts.  After dealings with both the Humans and Dwarves broke down over ineffective legal recourse, the Gnomes hopes to codify their laws and terms relating to dealings with other cultures.  Their headquarters, an abandoned tanning warehouse provided an ample amount of space to not only produce parchments but craft the legal doctrine that the Gnomish Council relies on to inform business dealings across Espen.   As the codification and negotiation of contracts proved to be a burgeoning but widely unprofitable business model, the ISC saught to ensure contracts around the city to balance their books.  Securing contracts with Springbob's, most of the shops in the Southern Barterer's Sector, and the largest contractor the Kobold Dispatch's Sportsbook.  The sportsbook quickly became their most lucrative client as their weekly orders for over 200 parchment scrolls has kept ISC solvent through even the hardest of times. This constant revenue has freed them up to focus on more innovative parchments and more powerful scrolls.  


The current owner and Chief Executor at ISC is Sevo Letal. Formally educated at the Scrbes School in Everhold City, Sevo came highly recommended for his cunning in negotiations and candor in business dealings. He's proved his worth by securing the record high annual sales. Though his business acumin is unmatched most find it incredible difficult to work under his leadership as he is prone to flights of fancy far reaching pie-in-the-sky ideas.   More recently he commissioned an artist to hand dye 2 reams of their newest parchment with a nearly imperceptible watered down ink that is only apparent when held up in sunlight, calling this technique a "watermark" he's begun pitching it to clients who have been less than thrilled about the delays the new feature has added to their orders.

Available Items:

  • Re-Ki Scroll - 105 GP
  • Hands of the Faithful Scroll - 85 GP
  • Surgebreaker Scroll - 140 GP
  • Magnum Opus Scroll - 220 GP
  • Dark Arcana Scroll - 215 GP
  • Pious Scroll - 180 GP
  • Ageless Scroll - 90 GP
  • Codex of the Fey - 84 GP
  • Berzerker Scroll - 177 GP
  • Roasted Fire Cap Stew Recipe - 20 GP
  • Saled Fish Recipe - 20 GP
  • Bawlman's First Cookbook - 300 GP
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