Twin Pearls Building / Landmark in Esparea | World Anvil

Twin Pearls

The twin pearl lighthouses were built by the Za'Rashan royal family. The light house stand on either side of the Abscinder river that runs from the mountains of Knurlanheim to the Espareian sea. The second tallest buildings in all of Esparea the circular buildings are coated completely in mother of pearl, gold plates the gracefully domed roofs and lights that shine so bright they can be seen from nearly 15 km away. Before the construction of these lighthouses ships would wreck in this area so frequently that most people refused to sail any further west then the Manaleyaian archipelago. It was after the creation of these lighthouses that the city of Za'Rukshen began to grow in to the metropolitan jewel of Esparea that it is today.
Fun facts
  • The lights in the light house can shine in different colors to warn of different conditions
      A Display of Heart, Head, and Honor After Rishi and his family moved to the area and found not only sanctuary but a true home they sought to thank the "Flame Father" for their prosperity. Taking a page from the old family stories Za'Ruksa went to meditate on the issue. Sitting at a hot spring near the cliffs she was granted a vision of darkness crashing with the waves against the rock which se sat upon. again and again the darkness broke upon the rock slowly crumbling it away to dust and ash. then a small fire flickered in her hand and she remembered and saw clearly. she hurled the light into the air above the water as far and as hard as she could. the light stopped and hung in mid air slowly spinning, and the turbulent waves beneath were soothed and ships sailed in the sun, heavy with pay load. It was this vision that inspired Za'Ruksa to build the twin lighthouses and establish the city of Za'Rukshen. The capitol city.


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