Wardens of the Sliverlight Organization in Esharia | World Anvil
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Wardens of the Sliverlight

The beginning of this group is not definite as many who perform the same duties existed long before the name first found use. Ever since the creation of the Catalyst, the land has been rife with the unnatural. After the Catalyst's containment, it was hoped for the corruption to subside, but it has prevailed for centuries. The group is more of a loose affiliation with the intent of rooting out aberrations connected to the Catalyst and those that channel its power.   This organization comprises independent agents that are simply considered Wardens by the general populace with few being formally inducted, though there is a somewhat more official core. Individuals of all types of backgrounds find themselves part of the group, but most feel obligated to this duty after some event transpired from Catalyst origins. Any class of adventurer can join as long as they intend to hunt mercilessly and tirelessly.   Wardens often work hand in hand with The Cabal. While the Wardens destroy the monsters created by the Catalyst, agents of the Cabal seek out artifacts tainted by the Catalyst. It is not uncommon to see a Warden and an Agent working together on missions as their paths frequently collide.
Guild, Professional
Alternative Names
Training Level
Veterancy Level


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