Victory Picture Item in Esarios | World Anvil

Victory Picture


The painting covers the entire wall and depicts the victory of the mages in a gloomy manner. A group of mages stands in the center, surrounded by injured and dead mages and strigoi. Mortally wounded baital fall from the sky and the eyes of all the vampires are red.


The Victory Painting was commissioned shortly after the end of the Vampire War. The king and the magicians spent a long time discussing where it should be created until they agreed that it should be a memorial for future magicians. Only the Great Hall of the Order of Mages came into question.
The artists were faced with a difficult task, as the painting should not only be unique, but also emphasize the danger posed by vampires. After much deliberation, they decided to use not only colors but also other materials to create the painting.


The picture is an impressive reminder of the Vampire War. It is intended to remember the victims and at the same time ensure that no magician forgets the danger posed by the vampires. This is also ensured by a special effect that the artists have incorporated, as the eyes of all vampires are made of zurines, which glow red in the dark.
Item type
Current location
Mage Order of the Kingdom of Ilantia
Current owner
Mage Order
Various artists
Raw materials & components
various components applied to a wall


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