Sleeping Potion Item in Esarios | World Anvil

Sleeping Potion


The sleeping potion is mainly used by mages who return from emotionally upsetting missions or who suffer from nightmares caused by killed friends or enemies. The potion ensures a restful, dreamless sleep and helps to process the experience through its relaxing effect. However, it must not be used for too long, otherwise it becomes addictive and in the worst case it becomes impossible to find a restful sleep without the sleeping potion, as addicts are tormented by extreme nightmares if they do not take it.


The sleeping potion is made by experienced healers from the nectar of the golden rose. Care must be taken to ensure that the smell of the pure nectar is not inhaled, as this leads to bad daydreams and nightmares.
For use as a potion, the nectar is heavily diluted with water, which also eliminates the effects of the smell. The correct mixing ratio is important. If the nectar is diluted too weakly, the potion will cause nightmares. If it is diluted too much, it will no longer work properly.
Item type
Base Price
Raw materials & Components
golden rose
yellow-golden liquid
slightly sweet


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