Umizu "Merfolk" Species in Erthos | World Anvil

Umizu "Merfolk"

The creatures that live beneath the waves and hunt those who sail above it.

Basic Information


Snake like faces with the scales of a fish covering their bodies. They have humanoid torsos and tails instead of feet and although the end in the flipper of a fish they are elongated to be like the tails of snake so they can slither on land.   One oddity is one of their arms is not humanoid but can only be described as a trident. Three elongated claws are perpendicular to one another. These claws are sharp on all edges.

Genetics and Reproduction

They reproduce quite quickly having 5-6 eggs a year. They are able to have children for most of their lives.

Growth Rate & Stages

The Merfolk are considered adults by the time they reach 15 years old. Many do not survive this long because the weak are weeded out to make sure only the strong survive.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are carnivorous, eating anything that they kill.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Able to breathe underwater and above it but must be submerged once a day.
45 years
Average Height
6 feet tall
Average Weight
150 lbs-200 lbs
Average Length
6 feet long
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Blue with dorsal fins that go down their spines.

Umizu CR: 2

Medium humanoid, lawful evil
Armor Class: 12 (Natural armor)
Hit Points: 30 (6d8 + 6)
Speed: 30 ft , swim: 40 ft


13 +1


11 +0


12 +1


12 +1


13 +1


9 -1

Saving Throws: CON +3, WIS +3
Skills: Perception +5
Senses: Darkvision 120 ft., Passive Perception 15
Languages: Common
Challenge Rating: 2

Blood Frenzy. The umizu has advantage on melee attack rolls against any creature that doesn't have all its hit points.   Limited Amphibiousness. The umizu can breathe air and water, but it needs to be submerged at least once every 4 hours to avoid suffocating.


Multiattack. The umizu makes two melee attacks: one with its bite and one with its trident arm.   Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage.   Trident arm. Melee +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage plus the target must make a constitution saving throw dc 12. On a failure, their blood is drained by the trident and the umizu gains hit points equal to half the damage.


Whirling Tails. As a reaction, the umizu's tail swings at a target who is attacking and imposes disadvantage on it.

Snake-like faces with the scales of a fish covering their bodies. They have humanoid torsos and tails instead of feet and although the end in the flipper of a fish they are elongated to be like the tails of snakes so they can slither on land.   One oddity is one of their arms is not humanoid but can only be described as a trident. Three elongated claws are perpendicular to one another. These claws are sharp on all edges.

Umizu (Merfolk): Player Race)

Ability Score Increase When determining your character’s ability scores, increase one score by 2 and increase a different score by 1, or increase three different scores by 1. Follow this rule regardless of the method you use to determine the scores, such as rolling or point buy. The “Quick Build” section for your character’s class offers suggestions on which scores to increase. You can follow those suggestions or ignore them, but you can’t raise any of your scores above 20.
Size Medium
Speed 10 Ft. Swim 30 ft.

Trident Arm: You gain a natural attack with your arm. The damage dice is 1d8 piercing damage, and it uses its strength ability. Once per long rest, when you hit a creature with this arm, you can heal the hit points damaged.   Child of the Sea: You can breathe air and water, and you have resistance to cold damage.   Blood Frenzy: Once per short rest, you have an advantage on melee attack rolls against any creature that doesn't have all its hit points. This lasts for 1d4 rounds.  

Languages. Common, merfolk