Graddios Character in Erthos | World Anvil


The Greedy One Graddios

The Spirit of Greed and Corruption. Graddios is also the patron Spirit of Dragons, although he had no hand in their creation. Rogues, twisted rulers, and merchants pay homage to the Collector of Coins.

Divine Domains

Greed, Corruption, Treasure Seekers

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A Pile of Gold and Jewels ontop of a pile of bones.

Tenets of Faith

Take whatever you desire   Power comes from Riches

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Graddios wants all the wealth in the worlds to belong to him. Whether it be gold, souls, or other priceless items, Graddios wants it all. That is how he believes he will have enough power to be master of the Eternal Domain.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Like most of the Lesser Spirits, Graddios can altar his appearance at will but normally chooses that of a young human male.

Identifying Characteristics

On Graddios' head is a blackened crown that seems to be melted into his skull, whatever shape he takes the crown remains.

Physical quirks

Graddios constantly licks his lips as if always hungry.   If he has coins on his person he is constantly stacking them in his hands.

Personality Characteristics


Money, priceless artifacts, power

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Graddios is charming, eloquent, and is said to have the best head for numbers of all the spirits   The Spirit is obsessed with wealth and gambling, to the point where he will risk it all for a bet.

Vices & Personality flaws

Gambling addiction
Divine Classification
Chara Spirit
Lawful Evil
Current Location
Gold tinted, cat-eyed
Long blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Gold tinted