Cult of Diastra Organization in Erthos | World Anvil

Cult of Diastra

The Cult of Diastra are the followers of the Spirit, and they usually live in remote locations such as The Wilds. Some of their operatives have begun to make their way into the towns and villages of humans. She is revered among the tribes of nomads in The Eastern Plains and also a few elves have begun to pay her homage as well. While they are extreme in their methods, they do not do anything purposefully to hurt people.


Current Head of the Cult: Alsin ¨The Great Oak¨   The Four Elements: Lord of Fire, Lord of Water, Lord of Air, and Lord of Earth   The Protectors: The Personal guard of the Four Elements, each one of The Elements has five guards who also serve as their lieutenants.   The Saplings: The lowest members of the cult, the initiates and mercenaries who do the dirty work.


The organization works in sects but often aid one another and cooperate. Even though they work to undermine civilization; the group cares for one another and those who respect nature.

Public Agenda

To Return the World to a state of Nature when it first began.


They do not have much in the means of material possessions but often they are druids or clerics who can craft anything they may need.


The cult began when Diastra came to the elf, Ashrantay, because she felt a kindred spirit with him. She showed him a vision of the world where civilization ruined the land it stood on. Using the elf, she began to gather druids and rangers away from the worship of Natre " The Spirit of Nature" and to her to gain power.   So far the cult has not made any serious moves to alter the world but some small operations of them have been discovered.

Tenets of Faith

Nature should not be infringed upon.   Those who harm nature should be dealt with.   Worship Diastra, the one who will return the world to the way it was.


The ethics of the cult varies from sect to sect. Some have few morals and will do whatever it takes to complete their goals. Other sects are not willing to cross some lines and prefer to have as few casualties as possible.


Druids are the priesthood. All of the members of the cult worship Diastra but few have what it takes to become Druids and lead the cult.

Granted Divine Powers

Druids of Diastra learn dark spells connected to nature and with the elements.   Most of the initiates are taught spells to summon vines to grapple their enemies.

Stop the Spread

Founding Date
Religious, Cult
Leader Title