Magic Physical / Metaphysical Law in Eris (Obsolete) | World Anvil


Magic is a term used to describe any phenomena unanswered by science. In certain circles focused on its study, Magic specifically refers to the use of Mana to create said phenomena. The Magic is hotly debated to be both a science and an art in Eris and much contention exists within the more experimental aspects of its use.
  Within Eris, Magic operates off of a system of special particles known as Mana, and has specific laws as to its generation and usage.

Magic Generation

Within Eris' universe, All Mana is generated by living beings. Mana particles are produced by the Mana glands of creatures which are then spread throughout the world to eventually equalize into a stable "field" that permeates through all matter, regardless of state. The magnitude at which Mana is produced Varies from creature to creature, however is directly correlated with the size of a creature's Mana Gland.

Mana Particles

Mana particles have been observed to operate on a different system of reality (for lack of a better term) than normal matter. Mana appears to be able to penetrate any material in the same way phenomena such as nuclear radiation does, and due to the simplicity of the observation tools and experiments, some even speculate that Mana manifests as a form of wave rather than a particle.
  Contrary to this theory, Mana does appear to be subject to manipulation in a similar manner a particle might, and catalyzes into other forms of matter when subject to a stimulus, such as a creature with a working Mana gland casting a spell.

because of these conflicting theories, a commonly related real world anaolgy for Mana is the physics theory of photons.


Magicite⁣ is a type of Crystal that forms in areas of high mana concentration. Originally believed to have been made of pure magic, Magicite is used heavily as a substitute to mana glands in constructs, and in Magitek⁣ contraptions.

Mana Glands

Mana Glands are Special glands that are heavily involved in the creation and manipulation of Mana. On humanoids, this gland is located in the anterior of the cranium, usually affixed to the frontal lobe Sometimes referred to as a "Third Eye", Mana Glands both produce Mana and, if exercised properly, can be used to Manipulate it creating magical effects. On most creatures, such as animals and normal humanoids, the Mana gland remains "Closed", in a furled and atrophied state where it may only produce Mana. Certain creatures, such as humanoids who have meditated for extensive periods or made certain pacts, may have their  Mana Gland "opened", causing several microscopic folds to unfurl and allowing it to be controlled in a manner similar to a muscle, allowing the owner a means to cast spells or perform other magical phenomena. Beholders have the largest known Mana gland for their body mass, with an average of 1.2 feet.


A "Mage" or "Caster" is a term used to describe anyone who practices Magic. In the Erisian Adventurer's Guild, an individuals Class or Classes are often determined by their method of manipulating Mana. In recent years, there have been disputes among scholars as to whether certain Classes are considered true Mages due to their unorthodox Magical techniques. Below is a list of the Different Classes of Mage:

Vancian Casters

Vancian Casters are Mages who have spent years in study or meditation on arcane topics, opening and exercising their third eye as a warrior might train his muscles. For many, their use of spells comes from "memorization" of spells, and exacting "triggers" into their Mana gland to actuate the effects. This process of readying and casting has to be repeated almost daily to truly attain magical mastery for many Vancian Casters. Wizards are an example of a Vancian Caster

Spontaneous Casters

Spontaneous Casters, also Known as Spont Mages, are individuals who find their Mana gland opened at birth. Because of their innate access to magic from a very young age, Spont mages are often proficient with certain magics, and their advancement in a very specific set of spells may be very rapid, at the expense of being unable to access as wide a variety of spells as other Classes. Sorcerers and Bards are Spontaneous Casters

Divine Casters

Those who choose to dedicate themselves to a Deity may find themselves bestowed with the ability to utilize certain Magics by having their Mana gland opened and imbued with the energy of that God's plane. Such casters often find their magical progression very linear, and conditional, with some even finding their ability to cast spells removed should they betray their religious tenets. Divine casters are not to be confused with Pact Casters, who obtain their powers through Deific Outsiders, rather than formal Gods. Clerics and Paladins are Divine Casters.

Pact Casters

Pact Casters are Individuals who have agreed to a Pact with an outsider in exchange for spellcasting abilities. The terms of each pact is unique, but usually involves some form of tribute or obedience from the individual. Pacts are frequently formed between Humanoids and Devils, who delight in taking advantage of mortal lust for power. Warlocks are the only known classes of Pact Caster on Eris.


Psions, or Psionic/Psychic Casters, are an esoteric class of caster, who utilize an almost direct manipulation of mental energy to cast spells. Often, minimal impetus is given from the Mana gland to control mana in this fashion. Psions are almost exclusively limited to specific species, who have evolved to have incredibly powerful mental waves. Illithids are the most well known example of Psionic Casters. Psionic casters are often born with large mana glands, and strong neurological connections to them.

Ki Users

In the Same fashion that Psions utilize their Brain to directly control Mana, Certain Individuals may find themselves able to do similar through manipulation of their muscles and Central Nervous System. Manipulating Mana in this way causes it to enter a very unstable state, called Ki, before being "cast" in a form of pseudo-spell. practitioners of manipulating Ki are generally only able to maintain Ki for a fraction of a second at a time, and often use it to heighten the power of their bodies. Monks are the Forefront of Ki usage.

Addendum: WUBRG System

  Eris's system of magic permits mana to be shaped in different ways, when it is, it adopts one of five major "frequencies", denoted by colour; White, Blue, Black, Red or Green. this system is similar to the mana system in Magic: The Gathering.
  While this system does not directly influence the native crunch of magic in Eris, it is noted that certain phenomena exhibit traits of one (or rarely, several) of the five types of mana. Notably, elemental planes and magicite have attributes closely tied to one type of attuned mana.
  Mardu Is a rare artifact that contols White, Black, And Red mana in its purest form. As such it is known as a weapon of immense power and destructive capability.
A Drow Wizard uses Magic to create an arc of fire in front of him.


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