Lightning Elemental Species in Erina | World Anvil

Lightning Elemental

A.K.A Lightnings

Lightnings love to run both figurative and literal circles around people. The only way you can gain their respect is to join their mental race and leave them in the dust. Otherwise, you should probably watch your door for buckets full of water.
— Dr. Raven Jen
The Lightnings are free spirits, happy to jump from cloud to cloud whenever something else gains their attention. They don't think long about things they've already moved past, because to them there is only forward. For most Lightnings, the only pursuit in life worth doing is that of knowledge, the sky is the limit, and they're already up there pushing it even further. To the world, the Lightnings are the inventors of most of the worlds' technology, and viewed with the most ethical concerns.  


Life Stages

Like all Elementals, Lightnings grow up twice as fast as humans, and remain in their prime for the rest of their life. Lightnings will insist that they can tell how old another is by looking into their eyes, but a human would find it impossible to tell a 10-year-old and a 60-year-old Lightning apart. Lightnings are considered adults by 10 years of age, which is equivalent to 20 years old in humans. Pregnancy in Lightnings, like all Elementals, lasts for 6 months before birth. Lightnings name their life states as shown below:   Infant (0-6 months old) – Toddler (6 months - 18 months old) - Nestling(1.5 years old - 5 years old) – Fledgling (5 years old - 7 years old) – Juvenile (7 years old - 10 years old) – Adult (10 years old - 80 years old)  


Lightnings generally have a slim physique, and they very rarely develop bulky muscle. Instead, they are often described as willowy. Despite this, Lightnings aren't fragile, and often are incredibly flexible.  

Sex differences

Despite both female and male Lightnings having a slim appearance, male Lightnings are capable of growing terminal hairs on their face, chest and legs. This is on top of the terminal hair growth on the scalp, pubic region, and having eyebrows, and eyelashes. Female Lightnings also have these types of hair growth. Aside from this, the rest of the hairs are vellus hairs.

Active Period/Circadian rhythm

Like humans, Lightnings are diurnal and awake during the day. Blue-rich light causes Lightnings to be awake and alert, while red-rich light causes them to feel tired and prepare for sleep.  


As they are capable of digesting both plant and animal material, Lightnings are omnivores. They are very human-like in their diet needs and preferences. However, Lightnings quite enjoy the consumption of Ravagers, though they prefer it prepared before they will even touch it with the intention of eating it.  

Special Characteristics

Lightnings have an innate knowledge of chain weapons, enjoying the use of both flails, kusarigama, and nunchaku for none lethal purposes. They completely lack a fear of heights. Most notable however is that Lightnings are capable of both flying, and using their magic to allow them to "walk" on air. This allows Lightnings to make use of their flying abilities in combat, as they can generate the force behind a punch without needing to touch the ground. This same magic can allow them to move at incredible speed. By doing any of the above, Lightnings generally seem to have their body parts turning into blue light.  



Lightning magic mainly focuses on the ability to manipulate electricity, lightning, and the air. It has the capabilities to create storms from nothing, to electrocute others, and allows Lightnings to fly. While Lightning magic does not allow direct control over water, a Lightning is capable of causing it to rain on command. Lightning magic is also what Lightning armour is formed out of, giving their armour a distinct blue colour. This armour can be summoned at will and does very well against Gold weapons. It is weak at the joints. For passive effects, it allows Lightnings to treat clouds as objects rather than water vapour and allows Lightnings to power devices without any power sources. Over time, enough Lightnings living in an environment will cause it to become tropical, and for endless electrical storms to form.   When used on humans, Lightning magic causes humans to become incredible inventive and to attempt to improve anything around them. It also gives them a boost in their intelligence, including allowing them to know information they hadn't learned about, or to suddenly have an understanding of something they struggled with. The human will continue to improve and invent as long as the magic is used on them. If done for too long, they will work themselves to death.   Lightnings can use this magic to "encrypt" their words. When it is spoken, it sounds like quick zaps, and occasionally thunder. To those that hear it, it causes their hair to stand on end. When Lightning magic is used, it takes the form of blue lightning, and usually smells of rain.  

Strengthened by...

Lightning magic is strengthened by change, innovation, and being far up from the ground.  

Weakened by...

Ice magic, stagnation, and being underground. When Ice magic is directed at a Lightning, they will freeze solid and shatter. This directing of Ice magic can be done with either the intention to kill or simply incapacitate. If done to incapacitate, the hands and the feet are frozen first.  


Society summary

Lightning society is focused on invention and science, but also rewards the spontaneous. This could be anything from having a eureka moment, all the way to coming up with witty pranks to play on others around them. For a society that seems so concentrated on what they can create next, prank wars might seem the last thing you are likely to see. On the contrary, the only thing faster than a Lightning's thoughts is their wit. Showing ingenuity in life is what will get you up to the next level, and Lightnings care a lot about intelligence.

When it comes to things like relationships and affection, Lightnings are somewhat open. They have loose rules about fraternization, where everyone basically looks the other way. Public affection is fine, as long as it's within reasonable limits. Read, with clothes on. Lightnings have adopted the Firen culture of open relationships, and are pretty free with whatever shape a relationship takes. They don't recognize there being a thing of more than one promise bond. The Lightnings place the most amount of respect for a relationship between a couple, but have few strict laws regarding marriage, meaning that as long as you don't try to get tax benefits by marrying six people, they don't pay that close of attention.

Lightnings are expected to go into careers that are academic in nature. Most parents will push their kids towards science, technology, and academia. They often push their children away from the arts, as the general idea is that they aren't worth anything to the world, and do not advance anything.

Their society also plays fast and loose with the law. That is, if you can justify your crime by having done it to advance something, it's probably going to get you off easy. As such, Lightnings aren't that concerned with the ethics of their experiments. Maybe with academic ethics. But not moral ones.

Lightnings see about equally between males and females. As they are motivated by inventiveness, they refuse to stifle the voice of 50% of their population just because of something so basic like sex.

In the home of...

A Lightnings home is of a contemporary style, with lots of glass. Most homes are actually apartments, high above the ground. Only the poorest Lightnings live on ground level. The space inside is usually very open concept, and with the amount of glass would seem like living in a glass box. That is aside from the amount of tech that normally flows through every inch of a Lightning's home. Almost all the tech is powered by the Lightnings own energy, but it creates interesting effects, from floor tiles that light up as they walk on them, to lights that turn off as soon as they aren't concentrating on them, say when asleep. Their apartments usually have a space for them to work on whatever project has their attention at the moment. But it's more likely that you'll find their place covered with all the projects that they are currently working on at the same time, right before you sit on a whoopee cushion.
Scientific Name
Homo nativus fulgur
Average Lifespan
Maximum Lifespan
Common Eye Colours:
by anc789sims
Eye Colour When Using Magic:
by anc789sims
Common Hair Colours:
by anc789sims
Male and Female Lightning by Heroforge
Lightning weapons and magic by Heroforge


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