Roseleaf Species in Erillor | World Anvil
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Roseleaf is commonly found in woodlands and temperate climates and is often used by rangers and herbalists to concoct rudimentary healing potions and salves due to its strange anti-inflammatory properties. This small weed-like plant is the lifeblood for healers in remote communities, and the saviour of many a wanderer. Though it may stand out to those who know it, it remains obscure and hidden to the untrained eye. It is therefore essential to all who would travel far from civilisation to be familiar with this plant, the most basic of all medical herbs.

Basic Information


Roseleaf is a small leafy plant that often is camouflaged amongst taller grasses or shrubs. Its leaves are dark green and are thick and waxy to the touch. When crushed, they release a sweet smelling aroma similar to that of the finest roses, hence their name. They flower in the Terratum season, producing small unassuming blue flowers shaped like small clovers.

Ecology and Habitats

Roseleaf grows preferentially in cool, shady environments such as forests or cave mouths. They can also be found on the edges of swamps and even high up in the mountain regions. They seem to be self-limiting, with no more than a handful of Roseleaf plants being found in any one spot. This seems to be the only thing preventing thr plant from growing out of control.

Additional Information


Attempts to farm Roseleaf have all failed, though research still continues. In any case, the plant is so ubiquitous that most people can find it after only an hour of foraging in a nearby woods

Uses, Products & Exploitation

When mixed with water and turned into a poultice Roseleaf can reduce swelling and clear bruises far quicker than they would normally. If ingested, it quickly settles upset stomachs, troubled bowels and even alleviate the symptoms of arthritis. The roots can also be utilised as a foodstuffs, and though bland and starchy it is filling and can provide needed energy for the starving traveller.
Average Height

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