6 - Titan Report in Eriad | World Anvil
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6 - Titan

General Summary

Arrex to the Arrexscue

The primal crystal sunk in to the Earth before them, coveted by the primal spirit Titan, as Arrex Nairin's crystal powers burst in to action, shooting the party upwards on a small platform, defended by a cushion of wind above and below.  
by Yoshitaka Amano.
  The group fought off Titan's hands, trying to destroy their platform before it broke the top of Titan's Peak, the light blinding them for a moment before Titan burst through the ground beneath them. shattering their platform in to two pieces, the group all on the same side as it began to slide down the mountain as part of an avalanche of mud, followed by the upper body of Titan, who's very form seemed to meld with the mountain, flying down the mountain after them as if mud were air.   The group fought valiantly, alternating between destroying Titan's hands, and fighting the Titan itself, damaging it enough expose it's crystal heart, which they would attack, before rinsing and repeating the process.   Eventually, they managed to defeat Titan, and his form broke in to a mass of crystal energies, for a moment appearing in the form of the primal crystal itself. The group raised their weapons, absorbing this energy to power themselves up, just as the platform, now barely 10 feet wide, slid down to the base of Titan's peak, on the north side.  

Mi wanda

  At the bottom, watching with a confused expression was a Tortle named Gilbert, who was quick to heal the wounded, and offer words of friendship and advice. Him, and his fat Chocobo stayed with the party, camping overnight, as he wished to learn about the party, and they learnt a little about him.   During the night, as Kupo was on watch, he noticed some movement in the nearby trees, fearing attack he fired a light arrow towards the movement, which caught a Hobgoblin straight in the eye, lighting up the area, causing the others to panic and flee.   The group, with Gilbert, made their way west towards Padstow, intending to catch the airship so that they may head towards Crysteria.  

Snack time

  They stumbled upon some wild Thri-kreen, about 11 in number, hunting and eating wild animals. Deciding the risks of leaving such monsters alive were too large, they attacked. With only a little trouble, they dealt with the creatures hastily.   Session end date 24/1/279 (Padstow arrival)

Rewards Granted

2 weapon exp, 35% exp, 22,000 Gil.

Missions/Quests Completed

"Dealt with" the primal crystal of Earth. (2 weapon exp, 20% xp)
Cleared some Thri-kreen. (10% exp, 22,000 gil [Not yet claimed])
Made a new friend/ally in Gilbert. (5% exp, roleplay bonus)

Character(s) interacted with

Eriad Campaign
Zar'ral Helvimtor
Zephyr Highwind
Vexacious Rein
Arrex Nairin
Player Journals
Rocks fall, everyone slides by Zar'ral Helvimtor
Report Date
16 Jul 2018
Primary Location

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Cover image: by Eldi13


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