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Siurini Generator (SEE-OO-REE)

A Siurini Generator, sometimes known as Nikozo's Generator, induces and stores electrical energy when nuons flow through it. Though previous designs exist, Malkha Nikozo's is most efficient and inexpensive to manufacture. They are used to power anything from cargo ships to entire cities.


Malkha Nikozo named his generator after Siuri (literally "of the sky"), the Mziarian form of the title "of the Over" with the suffix "-ini," to convey smallness such as would be used with a child's name. Essentially, the name translates to "little sky-shaper"


Siurini generators are typically used to power large transport vehicles such as cargo ships and planes. The most stable versions of Siurini generators  (the ones that don't have a tendency to explode) are large and produce a large amount of electricity–they are too costly and heavy to be used in smaller vehicles. These vehicles must follow the direction of threads in order to have continuous power. Alternatively, they are used to provide emergency power for buildings and even entire towns in the case as threads may not be available all year. In some cities, however, there are threads stable enough to support electric generation all-year-round; one such example is the Cerinje Sarai in Erdene.


The integrated mesh is made from Shaper's Metals–materials with high reorientating properties. The mesh is shaped into a sphere with a 10 cm radius and coated with a layer of reduced kachasān resin. Each generator requires at least 5 spheres of integrated mesh, set into a frame to form a ring. The device is designed to act as a transformer in case of fluctuations in ambience.

Social Impact

Siurini generator provide electricity in places where traditional methods of electricity generation are difficult such as the Eshe desert and the Iridium Sea. They allow for the construction of massive cargo ships and planes, increasing trade between continents. That itself has an immense impact on people across Ereya as companies outsource components overseas and set up factories in areas with cheap labour. Perhaps most significant is not the impact of the invention itself but the impact of the fact it was invented at all. Malkha Nikozo proved that the conventional method of patronage to sponsor research was not necessary–it was even detrimental to the development of society. Private companies and foundations were formed in the wake of this realisation, including the Vegard Institute.
Note: Malkha Nikozo used both male and female pronouns, and sometimes all three within a single piece of text (see the autobiography written in the third person). For the sake of simplicity, we have used he/him here, as it is most frequently used by Nikozo in academic settings.
Most of what is known about Malkha Nikozo comes from his autobiography, which he wrote prior to his disappearance at the age of 54. He was born in Azalais, an island city off the coast of East Asura and moved to West Isord at age 10 during a period of social and political upheaval caused by the East Cities' attempts to reduce the Zovharkanhui's influences. He trained in the natural sciences but became interested in affinitive mechanics, collected banned books and wrote controversial theses that had him banned himself at the age of 24. Nikozo fled across the continent where he supposedly became a sheepherder and a sand-pirate captain in the Eshe desert. He claims to have gotten bored of robbing the Isordi houses and writes that "the life of endless adventure was well and good, but could not satiate a woman of science." Around his 30s, Nikozo travelled to the Isord and used his knowledge as a chemist to open an apothecary, though Nikozo assures that he had sufficient funds for a lifetime from his pirating. He continued his research and eventually developed the Siurini generator, amongst a number of other inventions.
Access & Availability
Nikozo ensured that his invention would be known to as many as possible while making as much profit as possible. He sold blueprints to houses and guilds from Isord to Asura, promising to each that he had kept it a secret. Somehow, he squeezed exorbitant prices from his clients for what was essentially publicly available. Nikozo claims that this has led to 64 assassination attempts which have yet to be confirmed.
The Siurini generator is of fairly simple construction and, given the proper materials and equipment, can very well be made at home. The most complex component is the integrated mesh.
The Siurini generator was created during a surge of technological advancement that began in Eastern Isord and eventually spread to the rest of the world. It is considered to be the invention that spearheaded this "boom," as the Siurini generator is a vital component in many subsequent inventions.   The Siurini generator is one of many attempts to harness the power of nuons without the involvement affinity but is the first that was successful, likely due to conflicts with traditionalists who believe that nuon threads of supposedly divine origins would be tainted by crude machinery. These views were strongly held in the Heartlands, leading to the ban of books regarding the then-fledgling field of affinitive mechanics. However, a number were smuggled to Isord, including Discussions of Affinity by Chie Soun, which proposed a crude version of the Siurini generator and a great influence for Nikozo.   Nikozo had neither patron nor sponsor and conducted his experiments (funded by spoils from his brief career as a pirate) in his apartment, setting it aflame. There is now a memorial dedicated to him where the charred building stood.

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