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Erdene (Er-deen)

Erdene or Nazagerel is a coastal city in northern Asura, on the coastline bordering the Nariin Sea. It is a holiday destination for the nobility, houses factories for various companies such as Nikos and provides a port for cargo ships. Its proximity to the Heartlands and the Yōsune Archipelago makes the city an important connection between the continents, allowing trade between the Houses of the Rin Tao and those of the Zovharkanhui.


Erdene and Nazagerel are used interchangeably as the city's name, though Nazagerel is the official name, used in documents and treaties and the one recognised by the Zovharkanhui.   Nazagerel in Beyzan means "cherry jewel," referring to a pinkish-red semi-precious stone composed of crystalline aluminium oxide that is commonly found in the region. The origin of Erdene is more obscured. It may have been derived from the Erdus tribe who lived in the Tsagadai or it could have had roots in a Proto-Maralic word ert, which means water, combined with the prefix -dene, found in many Maralic names. It has no meaning on its own, acting only as emphasis.   
Nazagerel, the stone for which the city was named after


The average age of the Erdenean population is 31 years old according to surveys conducted by the city council, likely due to the military presence within the city. 29% of the population are immigrants from the Yōsune Archipelago and the Heartlands while 43% can trace their ancestry from overseas. Over half of the latter group have Isordi lineage. The city is not technically a vassal of any particular House, not since the fall of House Sturm at the Siege of Raykor. As such, the "upper class" of the city are mainly government officials and retirees from service to the Houses. 86% of the population, are working-class under the employment of the guilds or employed within the militaries. Very few live in poverty as the Zovharkanhui sweep them up and put them to hard labour in some far off city.


Erdene is governed by a system that has a mayor, a council and baatar, who represent the interest of the Houses. Erdeneans vote for the mayor, who acts as the executive branch, and the council members, the legislative branch, while the baatar is picked by the Zovharkanhui, who is often not an Erdenean. The mayor is given independence to appoint and dismiss members of the departments and manage the city's budget, though spending the budget requires permission from the council. However, the bataar has the power to veto any decisions made by the mayor and the council. There are severe punishments for those who abuse the system, but supporters of the Houses of the Zovharkanhui are often left unscathed. The Zovharkanhui do not interfere directly with the day-to-day running of the city except through the bataar and expect a portion of all taxes in exchange for protection against attacks and aid during disasters such as lightstorms.  
The city hall of Erdene


The sewer and the reservoir were built to reduce the severity of floods during the monsoon season and retain water during the dry season. The former is a complex network of tunnels and pipes beneath the city that has been layered over one another as the city grew in size and is known to be the shelter for criminals and the poor alike. The 3 km long walls that surround the city were built with defence against foreign invaders in mind though are unlikely to be effective against modern weaponry. Instead, the Erdeneans are protected by the Charter of Maylis Sadaf and the authority of the Zovharkanhui.

Industry & Trade

A number of Erdeneans provide tourism services to visiting nobility. A small industry is based on the supply of nazagerel, such as souvenir shops in the old district that sell necklaces, bracelets, earrings and other trinkets made of polished nazagerel. Nazagerel in some Asuran beliefs is a holy stone and sometimes sold as a good-luck charm or talisman. The factories to the city's east provide jobs for many Erdeneans, though are often low-paying jobs that do not require higher education. Another significant source of employment is the military, with many young citizens continuing service after the mandatory 3 years period. The excess energy induced from the Cerinje thread is sold by the governing body in order to lessen taxes. The city council had made deals with various trading companies to allow cargo ships and planes to dock at the port and airport respectively for refuelling.     Since the surrounding lands are not fertile, much of the foodstuff needs to be imported from the Asuran mainland or the Yōsune Archipelago. The city's main export is tourism and education. The Erdene Academy features a wide demographic of students and an equally diverse faculty.


Erdene is one of the few cities with a permanent airport due to the relative stability of the local thread, the Cerinje Sarai (tse-rin-ye sar-eye) which runs from the Nariin Sea and curves towards the Ervolgrin-Andsu. The airport is located 25 km from Erdene's city centre, where it is able to draw power from the Cerinje thread without causing danger to the city. A network of buses connects the airport to the rest of the city, operating from dawn to sundown with a schedule that never seems to be accurate. Originally run by locals, the buses are now maintained by a private company and subsidised by the government. The Erdene seaport is a significant connection between the Asuran mainland the other continents and serves as recharging station for cargo ships heading to other cities on the coast and a harbour for pleasure cruises.


Erdene is a coastal city on the northern shoreline of Asura, bordering the Nariin sea. The oldest part of the city, where the most expensive residential areas can be found is on the coast, such as the marina on the Tobold Bight. Though the area is lower than the rest of the city and risks flooding during the monsoon season, the sewers of Erdene are something of an engineering feat. Water usage is carefully monitored to reduce potential damage to buildings and people.   A section of the Erdene walls in the old destrict   Residential areas for lower-income households are found in the inner northern suburbs and "unit houses" or slums are found scattered throughout the city. The main industrial areas are located to the east and notably houses Nikos's main production facilities for Iris Wavelength Detectors.   Separated from the rest of the city by the Cerinje thread, the central business district is bordered by the Nariin Sea to the north, Lozira Street to the east and Vinjac Street to the south.

Guilds and Factions

After graduating from the Academy of Erdene at age 17-18, the student must undertake mandatory military service to one of the Zovharkanhui Houses before being able to join a guild or become an apprentice. The Erdene Academy has deals with Isordi Institute and offers options to pursue higher education overseas. If the student is a notable shaper, they are required to train at the Ahura Masir for 4 years, after which they may choose to join a guild or serve the Houses.


Erdene was founded by refugees of the Unnamed War. Originally, the city was called Cagri and stood further south. In the aftermath of the war, much of the city had suffered significant damage and lost over half of its population. The thread it had relied upon for electric supply was split into what is now known as the Greater and the Lesser Ejder and neither flowed close enough to the city. The residents were forced to move up north and built a temporary settlement beneath the Cerinje Sarai, which proved to be a wise decision as the thread is highly malleable and followed regular patterns annually.

Points of interest

Port of Erdene

The seaport is located 2 km away from the airport and is connected by a well-maintained road. Both are powered by the Cerinje thread. Its harbour allows passenger ships to be docked and loaded with fresh supplies, such as freshwater, fruits and vegetables. A passenger terminal is available for visitors to embark and disembark. Although a multitude of cargo ships pass through the port, few unload their cargo at Erdene. Apart from the supply of food imported into the city, most ships dock to recharge at the charging station, where power is directly drawn from the Cerinje thread, before continuing to their destination. The port is owned partly by the city, partly by the Zovharkanhui. However, sections of the port are private, belonging to companies such as Nikos, operating with their own cargo-handling equipment and infrastructure.


Erdene is surrounded by walls that are 3 km long and 5-7 m wide. Though its turrets and towers were originally constructed as a defence its inefficiency against modern artillery has made it little more than a tourist attraction, providing a safe passage along the cliff walls. Notable spots on the wall include the Sunset Tower, with a clear view of the blue-green sea, and the Old Tower that overlooks the entire city. In the old district, the bell tower is a popular attraction site. Its construction is a unique blend of Asuran and Heartlander and shows the time and the position of the sister planet to Ereya. The bell rings every hour, indicating the passage of time.


In the fashion of the Asuran, residential buildings are constructed of stone and wood with no use of iron. The buildings are one to two floors high with roofs of red clay tiles and brightly coloured doors. More modern buildings such as those in the central business district utilise steel rebars and concrete, but there are regulations on how much iron can be used within an area.


Erdene is a port city positioned on the northeastern shoreline of Asura. With the exception of the rocky Müje beach in the old district, the border between water and land is marked by towering cliffs that extend out into the Nariin Sea. On clear days, the Ervolgrin-Andsu is visible from the highest points of the city, such as the Old Tower. Most of Erdene is flat and low-lying, often under the risk of floods. The city is flanked by forests to the south and Haj-volgrin Bay to the west. The Erdene reservoir which is connected to the sea provides fresh water to the inhabitants, which is converted from saltwater via filtration systems.

Natural Resources

Agriculture in Erdene is limited to small, household gardens as the fields provide little yield. The surrounding forest provides wood for the inhabitants, though much land has been cleared of trees and converted to housing. Few minerals of use can be found underground with the exception of nazagerel, which can be found on the rocky coast, beach and surrounding hillside. However, the city's power source, the Cerinje thread, is highly stable and over 1 billion kilowatt-hours of energy can be drawn annually–much more than the city requires. Theoretically, more electrical energy can be produced, but this would require an inductor that is more powerful and efficient than any currently available.


  • Erdene
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