Mountain Saber Species in Erendor | World Anvil
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Mountain Saber

Written by Salen

The mountain saber is one of the largest great cats in Erendor, standing five feet at the shoulder and almost twelve feet long. It weighs an impressive 72 stones and can rip a man in two with its powerful bite. What makes this fearsome beast even more dangerous is its coloration. Most males of the species have white fur with grey spots, letting it blend in with the surroundings almost perfectly. Females are all white in coloration and share the hunting with the males.  
Korr frowned at the timing of it all and set his feet for a quick pivot. “Bad kitty. This is not going to end well for one of us, you know that right?” he said as the cat stalked towards him once more. It had missed its surprise attack, but could still rend him if he wasn’t ready. The great cat’s muscles bunched as it got ready to pounce and Korr spun as it sailed through the air, bringing his sword across its flank, scoring a good hit. Unfortunately it didn’t go deep, so it only angered the beast. The northern warrior leapt at the cat as it turned towards him, bringing the sword down fast, but missing by a fraction, taking a good sized tuft of fur but nothing else. From Dragon Master, Rise of the Archmage book 2

Basic Information

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Mountain Saber eats primarily meat, not being shy on where this comes from, whether animal or human.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Northerners use the tusks of the Mountain Saber in the making of tools and some weapons.

Facial characteristics

The Mountain Saber has two large tusks in the upper part of its deadly mouth that give it the ability to tear into most creatures with ease.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They only live in the northern Wyvernguard Mountains. They thrive in the cold environment and survive by preying on the lesser animals that are abundance high in the cliffs and slopes. Rams, Arctic rabbits, and even the White Ice Wolf all fall to this apex predator. The only thing these creatures would have to fear was the dragons of old.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Mountain Saber tracks its prey by smell and sound. It hunts as a solitary creature, following the sounds of prey or smells if the prey is quiet. It can do these simultaneously, but because of this, some hunters have learned to carry spices to throw it off their trail if they know they are being stalked.
up to 25 years
Average Height
5' at the shoulder
Average Weight
280 - 300 lbs.
Average Length
12 '
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
White fur with grey spots (females have only white fur,)

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